Hot take. This dude is fuckin edgy man.

35  2019-03-28 by Godhand5150


I'm a better freestyle rapper than this guy, I'm a better podcast host than this guy... I just need to find the motivation to prove it

Oh please. I bet Joe Cumia has his rantcast up and running before you.

fukkin hope so

Look how he strategically rolled up his sleeve to show off his gay tattoo

Better watch it the barmy is coming for ya ... Yuck

That isn't a gay tattoo. It's a fag tattoo

The D stands for Dicksucker

He's gotta MAGA hat! Watch out he's a loose cannon!

I know Mike David is a faggot, but I do still find it hilarious that he and CM had it out because he was interfering with their ability to book z list celebrities.

Also funny that he was briefly on the ‘free speech network’ but canned for talking shit about Materese of all people.

Well no one is arguing that fact

More like ZZZZZ-list celebrities

Joe DeVito is like Ambien with spectacles on.

The faggots here that once worshiped Anthony Cumia have no right to talk shit about Redbar in this sub. Do it at r/redbar please.

Isn't he rogan sized?

Yeah but without the muscle

He smokes weeeeeeeeeeeeeeed on air man

"If a 2 hour show is good, then a 7-hour show must be better, right?"

Who the fuck is this....

Watch it bro the barmy is coming

it's no cumtown, but still better than anything on compound or gas.

Those are not high aspirations my friend.