Jimmy "HIV" Norton

87  2019-03-28 by Sf52016


B Faggot.

What a puny repulsive little wormy worm man. Be more funny.

Fuckin skooma addict

He quit when he was 15 when the Khajit he bought it from was locked up by the city guard.

Or someone who’s wary of “smoothskins”.

Patient Zero, AIDS 2.0

Jim Norton is a government bioweapons project to incubate a new supercomplex of known STDs in one person.

The design flaw is that nobody would voluntarily fuck Jim.

God I wish

Nice shoes, stupid.

Ironically, women would like him more if he looked like this.

"Ooh, dark and mysterious"

"I've got gay cancer. I'm going to die and so are you" -Jim Norton

Nice Sunday shoes, stupid

It will be a sad day when the baby noises stop.

This reminds me of the movie Contagion. A sick bat must have shit on an egg white.

Yeah awful shoes, but how about the fucking maroon pants he wears to pretty much every show since 2014? How is this not part of our daily discussion?

Please, God.

That’s disrespectful to people with HIV. He has full-blown AIDS

I fucking hate those maroon pants he wears every 3 days.

Those fucking pants.

Image of Jim Norton performing in a local high school auditorium in 2032.