Overrated director (2,748,372/All of them)

125  2019-03-28 by omgialmostdiedpoopin


Umm no child he is the new Hitchcock and anyone who says different is a racist and uncultured.

Some of his dialogue is cringe worthy for me, but Get Out was good film, not amazing but solid. I think people just don’t want to admit that they all expected a black funny guy on comedy central to not be aware of himself.

Same people just need to build on the narrative that he’s a genius of his time so they don’t have to accept that all they thought of him as was a black man who can make the funny.

He was good on MadTV and even some Key and Peele sketches were funny but your right they expected him to be a shucking and jiving funny negro and not know his way around a camera. Still his movies would be nothing special if a white man was the director if anything they would have a small following and looked at as decent movies but critics will never admit they are racist by expecting so little of black people to begin with.

Exactly, they’re just like “look the monkey can spell!”

“Good contrite nigger. Playing the game of the white man.”

Get Out was a completely unremarkable film and not particularly interesting. I don't get people who are like "yeah he sucks, but you gotta admit Get Out was pretty great." No, it wasn't, it was racial Stepford Wives and like all his movies the internal logic is absolutely retarded. It was really boring and stupid.

They say the same about Us, "you just gotta ignore the parts that don't make sense." Fuck off, why are we all supposed to give this guy so much credit?

I’m with you on the Snyder thing. Him using that song is not groundbreaking or as impressive as people make it out to be. It’s just because it’s popular R&B music from back in the day and dumbasses think it was really clever to use it.

That thing about ignoring parts that don’t make sense is why I hate most movies that come out now. There is zero logic in most of the shit that comes out other than just an excuse so the audience ‘don’t get bored’.

I remember Peele saying we as an audience love to watch horror movies question the dumb decisions of the people in the films, that’s something I definitely disagree with. You don’t have to have the characters in horror movies make dumb choices to keep the audience engaged. That’s a cop out.

I’d say some of the shots in Get out were interesting, the editing as well in certain places. But the camera work and dialogue was so boring and cliche. He does have an eye for directing but he’s far from being an auteur in my faggot opinion.

I remember Peele saying we as an audience love to watch horror movies and question the dumb decisions of the people in the films, that’s something I definitely disagree with. You don’t have to have the characters in horror movies make dumb choices to keep the audience engaged. That’s a cop out.

Exactly. I love horror movies and I guess he does too, but there's a reason It Follows and Hereditary and Suspiria are so good and it's not because we all like pointing and laughing at how stupid everyone in them are.

It's amusing that he's trying to be so elevated and woke, but he's really just explaining how black people like to yell at the screen.

That’s it. By the end, his friend gives that “I told you not to go to their house” line and it’s too much levity. I would definitely call Get Out more of a black comedy film than a horror as the only time I felt a semblance of dread was when he’s strapped to the chair at the end.

I get the fear racist and violent white people. It’s instilled in a lot of people who grow up around racially aggressive environments. My family was the only family that wasn’t white in our town growing up. So I get the paranoia that the film was pandering too.

But this film just doesn’t handle it right, far too heavy handed and way too on the nose to ever be taken seriously or horrified by. To sheltered white folk and militant SJW i can imagine it was groundbreaking. Because to them, racism is a source of attention and fanaticism. But to anyone who grew up in the reality of moving past that bullshit. It’s just not interesting.

I hope i made my faggot point.

Hmmmmmm hmmmmmm

I swear all the white people here act like such babies

And the niggers here are lowering our property value.

Eat shit nigger

Quiet nigger, the superior white people are talking

Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarintino and before anyone says it Tarintino hasnt made a good fucking movie since Jackie Brown

Still better than whatever bullshit peele makes

I dont know, Hateful 8 is literally unwatchable. Looks like he's aping the cohen brothers in his new one so maybe that'll work out better.


White people are so scared of black people

Wes Anderson's best movie was Bottle Rocket

Yeah probably. These dudes always do a lot better before they get addicted to their own farts

you only say that because its not filled with the upper class faggot shit.

Having said that, it feels like someone else directed the film, it neither looks nor sounds like a wes anderson film. Its much closer to something like if Richard Linklater decided to make his own version of a Robert Rodriguez film than a typical wes anderson film.

It was Moonrise Kingdom though.

Inglorious Basterds is better than Jackie Brown and Reservoir dogs

Son you've gone retarded.

Wes was good early but he's basically made the same movie his entire career. I tapped out on him after Moonrise Kingdom.

This dude's bottom lip is beefier than my dick... and I am 6 foot 1.

Congrats on your height! When are you and Milla Jovovich getting married?

Hopefully at the next 3 day outdoor Journey cover band extravaganza festival. Don't Stop Believing is our song. I'll probably climb up on a porto-potty (which is easy for me due to my extraordinary height) and propose at the top of my hack gay lungs.

Good luck! Hopefully your schedules won’t clash.

Steve Fairy

Hes got that stung by a bunch of bees face

Directors that can’t make a great movie on their own merit and resort to standing up to whitey for brownie points from (((them))).

It's gotten so bad I cannot read reviews anymore. I'll check the score on RottenTomatoes, which is barely an indicator anyway but gives me some idea what to expect, and that's it.

I like when Dragged Across Concrete came out last week, it wasn't even listed in the top 5 movies coming out on RT, because S Craig Zahler has been labeled an "alt right" director (?) and because Mel Gibson is in it, and he's controversial. Even though he and Vince Vaughn are still huge movie stars. What a joke.

I just looked 'Dragged' up and it's super fucking obvious that there's been deliberate effort by RT janitors to bury it in recent indexes. lol

They're trying to motherfuck S Craig, those sssCUMbags.

DAC is a masterpiece.

I didn't care all that much for it. Loved his other two.

imdb > rt.

make a mediocre horror movie with hamfisted social commentary


Jesus. I hate jump scares. Warn me next time.

She could tear a blimp in half with that thing.

She’s the one that’s in those fruit loop commercials right?

She makes Rich Vos look like a mormon.

As somebody with a bit of a fetish for big schnozools, I'd like nothing more than to watch her try to look through a peephole or drink out of a champagne glass, but yeah that thing is intimidating

Nice big fat head, stupid.

Get Out is good. Haven't seen 'Us' yet. But you guys are definitely sensitive faggots.

I saw Us and yeah this guys gay or whatever but it was a good movie.

Not really.

Get Out is shit. Mediocre horror film with forced message about how bad whites are.

Good thing I get my panera bread employee film critiques from r/opieandanthony. Thank you brotherman

Anyone who likes Get Out is a worthless faggot worthy of immediate death. The Tenant, The Parallax View, Stepford Wives, Soylent Green, and Repulsion are paranoid thrillers that do it 10x better without the cartoonish social commentary on white pepo.

calm down

I wouldn’t have thought about him or his movie if not for this post. Stop being such fags about a movie you weren’t planning to go see anyway.

I thought this was Gavin in the thumbnail.

What, so everyone is a faggot now?

Nah, I said overrated not a faggot


His wife ate Jimmy's asshole years ago

Who is this shine?

Ha. I’m good. I’m at work and not nearly drunk enough to argue with bad faith actors two nights in a row. The other thread isn’t even cold yet and they’re already spamming new ones. Mods are lazy fags.

It actually is becoming spam because new threads add NOTHING.

I remember when this game was transplanted onto a dogs head in that awful cat movie he made.

Amazing director. He prob screws all of his haters wives and husbands

Chappelle was right about these guys

“He speaks so well!”

He'll always be Carlito to me.