Thawts ands prayers. Next time tell that dumb slut to close her legs

0  2019-03-28 by yamuddahscuntthen


Fucking liberal memes, man. By their own logic it's the same contradiction only in reverse. (Not that Kavanaugh actually did anything.) I hate everything.

Please don’t turn this into a political subreddit. There is already a ton of other subs for this stuff. That’s not what we do here.

The joke is the fucking tony danza show reference you fucking know nothing. Go back to fucking cumtown faggot

Ok. I’ll allow it.

Thanks for your blessing, shitdick

A reference to a reference, fawking oarsome.

Tsss WAIT WHAT? I don’t even got a boat so what do I need some oars for???

I like it that we're not a political sub but we call out gay political shit whenever it happens. Which is nice.

The one political thing people post here that made me laugh was the Patrice O’Neal Stacy abrams photoshops. That was great. I hope Biden runs and picks her as the Vice President. This sub could get that trending nationwide. Might actually finally get this place shut down.

ive been in the lab working on some ideas on how to get this sub shut down

going after a public female figure was def one of them

You must really want that 5k from Anthony,huh?

if i legit thought he would give anyone 5k that he didnt have too i would have gone for that money

i know were the weather is always PFG, and 5k in my pocket is really PFG

Would be a nice feather in the cap for the sub

We collectively are not as gay as you individually.

Hard to argue with that logic.

The left can't meme

On the one hand, a woman who can throw away a baby shouldn't be a mother. On the other hand, she would also be bad at everything else. So to be fair, I think abortions should kill the mother as well as the child.

The left can't meme.

and killing a person is not the same as drinking a wine cooler when you shouldn't.

look at my calendar that dad gave me crying faggot pussy fuck. really surprised he doesn't wear the bow tie like that other faggot fuck fucker fuckleson