Black people are pushovers who let themselves be enslaved for decades and now they think they have a monopoly on being offended.

10  2019-03-28 by ItsMyDealHereWade

How's everyone doing this morning?



Lets all hold hands and sing about nigger jew faggot Jussie.

Jews still hold the #1 position

yup if you think about it, millions of kikes let themselves be rounded up and sent to camps without putting up a fight. the sonderkommandos even took part in killing their fellow jews, they were that cucked by the Nazis. without their monopoly they're nothing.

I love to racism also. I'm of the opinion that Asians are an insect like race of automatons.

id like to see anyone in science debate that theory sir

im surprised im not more hung over, i kicked ass at drinking yesterday

I’m at work.

You got balls, I would never let my co-workers know I roam these parts.

I have the pleasure of getting to work by myself pretty much all day everyday. My boss barely checks on me.

No they actually have great balance. They have those high thighs you see...