Jim is confused the term Afro Canadian exists

6  2019-03-28 by Dennyislife

Because Afro american clearly isn't a saying he's heard.

And yes i'm listening. I have a dishwasher being delivered so have to wait in. Her name is Svetlanka


He's also just announced he was blowing boys when he was 9 years old. Much later than his previous dick sucking.

It's almost as if hes a gayman

So do you think it's funny when they play the "COME TO THE HONEYCOMB HIDEOUT!" drop 50 times in an hour?

Fudggin hilarioyus

Wouldn't you be at the risk of falling asleep or doing something drastic listening to that shit?

No. Its mid day here. I couldn't and wouldn't start my day with it. Nor would i with the old o&a show at its best

i was trying to listen but the stream i use is down, know another? refuse to pay for XM/Sirius anymore

That stream only for JnS?

They live stream that trash on youtube.

all the youtube streams got whacked last year by XM

Saw it this morning under their own channel.


Jim also thinks they don't have commercials for booze on TV cuz belzer told him so in 1983 dude may be a bit out of touch.

dilly dilly

He should be because it doesn't.

He didn't understand what it meant though. It's hardly the enigma code is.


I keep wanting to say words but my keyboard keeps inputting emojis please help sos