Hitting levels of brooding that shouldn't even be possible

105  2019-03-28 by Anal_Sacks


Oh shit you guys, it's Toast, the Warchief of The Lords. Don't look at him. That guy's a real problem.

I like A Clockwork Orange too but not to the point I would wear a shirt of it to show how edgy I am.

That's why you're not a millionaire with nothing to live for, brotherman

True. I also don't have a locked refrigerator with one bottle of zima in it.

The little homo is worth $3million... that’s nothing in NY.

how is it even an idiot edgy thing?

That’s my nigga Toast.

Nice copying me, stupid

Nice downvoting me, stupids

Take it like a man.

I'm only a boy pretending to be a man, stupid

Is he wearing a fucking doo-rag underneath that awful hat? Suburban wigger shithead

Probably just a bad LEGO man esque haircut

Was this right after the weekend he had 2 Zimas and hit rock bottom

Nope he had been 12 years sober at this point I think.

god bless, and I mean that

Genuinely, honestly, really?

for realsies

"my mom had a couple glasses of wine when she was pregnant, and it put me in a really fucking dark place, man. i thought of hanging myself with the umbilical chord."

All that time he spent shitting on the Pete Rose cut and look what we have here

Look how small that wee little faggot is! Bullied by ‘alpha’ guys and dickgirls.

He's already sucked hundreds of cocks at this point.

Or the same cocks, hundreds of times.

Teen Jim was the town trollop. The Linden Hoover, they called him.

"Nothing sucks like a Vax™ (except Jimmy)"

And one of four movie references he knows proudly displayed.

I wonder what edgy wigger Jim would think of his future self scowling like a diva because his eggwhites were late.

nigga hat game was ahead of its time

Shouldn’t he be keeping one of those word processors in a safe deposit box?

I bet this faggots never even seen Clockwork Orange. He heard there was a rape scene and became a fan ever since

Pre- or post-rehab?

Post rehab, pre faggot.

There is no pre.

Looks like a poster for anti bullying

I hope that's the hat that the larger, tougher African American gentleman snatched off of his head.

At this point Jim could have been a normal person and turned into something a woman could deem dateable/marriage material. Oh that's right he sucked off every neighborhood boy and they never returned the favor. Cucked by age 10.

Is that a young Jay Z? Muhfuckah looks hard.


What a queen faggot.

What happened to his neck?

A Clockwork Orange is a cool movie. Jim likes A Clockwork Orange. Therefore Jim is also cool!

"they really motherfucked me today at the Caldor, maaaaan."

This sweet boy is just wishing for Gene Simmons to be mean to him and then eventually nice to him.

clockwork orange shirt

fucking faggot

He does love a Halloween costume

He’s always looked like a girl

Sam: Did you like Clockwork Orange??

Jim: I've never seen it.

This guy's a problem.

The other stockboys motherfucked me.

all I see is one seriously twisted dude

Wait.. it looks like he has some resemblance of a chin in this picture..

Where did it go?


Wig Wiggerson

Nice little league netted hat stupid.

Uncle Paul Wall


Beastie Lady-Boys

Lookin just like Bud Bundy “Grandmaster B”

It was fuckin dark. I remember chugging a 12 pack of O'Douls like it wasn't shit. That's when I knew I had a problem.

He could have been a twink who happily died of AIDS in the early 90s, but no, he had to make himself miserable by holding on to his imaginary heterosexuality.

Is that in a basement?

There's some kind of writing in the wall that was poorly washed off or faded ...can anyone make out what it says ?

A Cockwork Orange.

Nice copying me, stupid
