Guys with better hairlines than Sam Roberts (1/everyone)

50  2019-03-28 by LarryKleist711


I see that and don’t even think about the movie. Just GTA

That game realky launched the series and realky gaming in to the stratosphere. I gave up gaming- too time consuming. But I appreciate the graphics and the storylines- I thing GTA: Vice City really just changed the game. To this day, it's still playable and a fun diversion.

All of the later incarnations are fun. I fall out of gaming because it all became the same shit. There are few franchises I play, Fallout (not 76), Zelda,

I celebrate the entire GTA catalogue.

Same here, just was acknowledging your point that that particular game did change all future sandbox games.

I was playing GTA IV earlier and the constant phone calls made me glad I have no friends in real life. Anyway I figured out that you can put the phone on sleep mode and they'll stop harassing you.

“Ayyyyy NIKO!!!”

I'm a faggot and still enjoy gaming but this year has been great so far with Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro just to name a few.

Lucky you, I seem to only buy shitty games like Fallout 76 and Assassins Creed Odyssey

In my mind this is what Sam's dad looks like + a mustache.

With a big 32oz cup of buttermilk and a pile of sliced onions. Some of the all-time greatest treats.

I forgot about the world's greatest treat yuck

What kind of fucking creep would choose to eat something like that

Such a sleazebag piece of shit in that movie

He played a sccccuuumbag Jew lawyer to a tee.

”Oi vey, Cahl-lito! I’m in a real jam, heeeeuuh!”

Nice lip thickness, stupid

You killed us, Dave. You killed us.