Reminder: women are faggots

8  2019-03-27 by Bakersfield__Chimp


My mother let me cum in her warm ass when I’d put roofalin in her evening whine. She’d gently blow hot gas on my penis to let me know she was satisfied with my behaviour. Since then, women have made me a faggot.

Hah. Like they don't do the same. You don't get to complain when they out cunt you

my money is on this article being made-up entirely.

Fake shrews

Everyone is a faggot

Haha they never said where this broad ranked on the list, you know she wouldn’t be complaining if she was #1


3-1-2 is the only acceptable ranking.

That high school is in a heavily jewish, very wealthy suburb of DC

Ur kidding.

They look like a teen pop idol Haim, yet laden with the pursuit of lifelong bitterness. They'll never know the satisfaction of letting go, and self-acceptance. We can't all be prom queen, but that's ephemeral and eclipsed by the challenge of being successful in the real world. Silly JAPs, see the broader picture and relax.

Pink shirt's face, red shirt's tits, black jacket's hair.

One male classmate, seeing the name of his good friend Nicky Schmidt on the list, told her about it, and within 24 hours, dozens of girls had heard about the list.

This is what’s really wrong with society.

“I saw something about you that you might find hurtful, just thought you should know”

This was an episode of South Park, only in reverse.

Every group of girls I knew in school would do "Top ten guys in the class" lists in their notebooks and pass them around.

The amount of guys who threw tantrums was zero.

The only thing you're thinking is 'I hope I'm on the fucking list.'

Fucking hell. Is there any guy who didn't do this once at school? I still remember giving this girl Susan a 10 even though she was pretty ugly but she was the first girl who had tits at my high school.

Maybe it's the American diet or just being younger but our first girls with tits had them in middle school.

High School in Australia begins at 12 so that could be it.

Someone needs to tell that 3 to calm down