I was raised by a white woman because my black daddy didn’t stick around and I married a white bitch and had every opportunity given to me by white folks but white dudes suck. No offense.

124  2019-03-27 by SirSodomy


I wear white to show that I have found success as a negro.

Wear all Black. Show wypipos you are a sign of their death

What a phony. I hear Us is good though. Trailer looks scary. Probably go see it.

It’s shit


Yeah, they even billed it as, "The best horror movie of all time!", before it was even released...

Nigger makes scary movie where the nigger doesn't die first? So unrealistic.

Look at the bi's and tri's on Bruiser...

But (((she’s))) not white

Lets get this comment higher fellas.

A reckoning is a coming. Be patient. The question will be answered within most of our lifetimes.

Whatever stupid point you are trying to make only riled your fellow MDE faggot that post on the other 1000 alt accounts.

Found the Jew. The question is, why does 2% of the population have such an influence in media, finance, law, and government?

Go back to MDE. We dont allow anti-Semitism or racism here. That's brother joe stuff you chud

Tell him to post his hog. Stupid right wing types usually run away in the face of such a challenge. It's like so unconventional and free spirited, you just know it makes those Steven Crowder types flee to their safe space lol

Yeah lefty beta twinks so known for their hogs. Post yours for us and put that money where that faggoty cocksucking mouth is.

You're as much a fruit for asking for a picture also.

Just calling you on your lefty bluff. Typical talk and no action, just lies.

Bro, get outside and meet a female. This is all bullshit, and you and your fellow MDE queers really have nothing to contribute.

What the fuck is MDE you low-T beta?

Low T beta? What a terrible insult.

MDE? I don't even know what that is. You know what my insult is, stupid.

A white man blaming the jews for his problems is no different than a black man blaming white people for his

He's just calling her a jew. No value judgments in that comment.

Chapo fag

None taken.

Paraphrasing Tosh; "We control the world's economy, so I don't mind if another race gets crumping"

*a white woman who most certainly shit on Jim.

She's got quite the RACK tho, eh fellas?

Jewy oven dodging beefers

Look at that nose. That kikeress aint white.

She's part Jew. And all ugly.

Which part, her face?

Does it ever get old? This is the only talking point that you seem to have.

I don't know why I'm responding. Go fuck yourself.

Jewboy. Lots of ppsters here talk about Jews in not the best light, yet you keep responding to me? Have a nice day, hymie.

Aww, why are you angry over some anonymous asshole commenting?

She’s of the classic Italian dad, Jewish mom mix. You know, the mixing that Jewish parents hate for their daughter. Now their granddaughter went an married a Chinese black man.

I hate how pretentious this clown has gotten, you use to make noises on an unfunny Chappelle show knock off now your a visionary director voice of a generation ? Fuck off you click clack coon baby

The worst part is people are falling for it

Well Life is all perception.

if the majority perceive something similarly it slowly becomes a reality even if it isn’t a true fact.

For instance, everyone thinks I’m not straight because I get fucked by guys and suck on their dicks.

So the reality has become that I’m a fag. You see? But the truth is I’m not a fag! They just made me a fag by perceiving me as one because of what I did do.

Basically what I’m saying is we need to show people that this isn’t a real person because it’s black And then we’ll have everything sorted out too

Think it. Wish it. Want it.

Only the ones that want to.

Click clack coon fucking just won my heart brotherman.

Just a hangman's noose brothaman!

And here I was going to go and pay to "Us". Screw him.

The genius of it is he picked a genre that is so devoid of originality even a halfway interesting concept is seen as revolutionary.

The Jordan Peele hate feels a bit forced. He's a good director who puts some social messages in his horror movies-like many great horror movie director have done. The people who deserve the hate are the idiots saying his movies are "elevated horror."

No I think I want to hate this faggot too

You can hate whoever you want. I'm not going to come your house and try to make you think differently. But in a world where there are so many people genuinely deserving of hate, this feels like a half baked attempt to drum up hate against a generally good writer/director because he's... black, I guess?

The hate isn't at him, it's at the media's unwarranted elevation of him.


Who was this hate directed at lol?

I called him a faggot. Being black is just the AIDS on the tip of the needle

“I’ve already seen that movie”. If the one thing that differentiates your movie from the other guys’ is the color of the protagonist then you have a problem. The fact that you abide this stupidity infuriating. Unless you think Joe’s blackness is somehow what made your documentary watchable.

Like I said above, it seems like he is doing what everyone who whines about forced diversity claims they want non white male people to do. Instead of turning a white superhero black or whatever, he is making his own movies with black characters in the lead.

Beige killing it in the replies today

The fact that makes original content is not what’s annoying to people. The man said he will not put a white man in a leading role because he’s a white man (i.e. in too many movies). This is the definition of racism. Yet again, the New Left’s only answer for perceived racism is more racism. This blatantly racist hypocrisy is what annoys people.

The response is hypocritical from both sides. If the left was serious about diversity and inclusion they would be coming down on Peele for his statements. On the other hand, right wing white males have been whining for years that women and minorities aren't making their own content featuring non white male characters. When a black dudes starts doing that, right wing white guys abandon their principles and start crying "muh racism." If Peele had stated that he "couldn't see himself casting a Jewish man in a lead role because he's already seen that," I think the response here would be a lot different.

You’re not wrong about the Jewish angle, (though I’ve always took the sub’s rampant antisemitism as one of our many elaborate in-jokes — I could be wrong though). Where you come up short is when you conflate Jordan’s work with his comments on his work. Speaking for myself, I’m pleased to see someone (anyone) making original content, but his stated reasons for casting the protagonists he casts are racist in nature, and that’s as disappointing to me as one of Nana’s infamous tweets.

Where you come up short is when you conflate judgements of Jordan’s work with judgements of his comments on his work.

I don't think I've done that. My point was that people are mad at him for doing what opponents of "forced diversity" have been saying non white males should be doing. Once they're on the other end of exclusion, they immediately turn into SJWs and start shouting about racism.

I'm not going to split hairs over whether his statement is textbook racism. How long has the right been arguing that context matters? The context of Peele's statement is obviously not malevolent towards white people. He's saying that HE has seen so many movies with white leads and he wants to focus on casting black actors in HIS movies. It's a lot better than pandering to minority grows by throwing in non het cis white characters into the background while all of the leads are white. Or pulling a J.K. and retrocactively making characters gay or secretly jewish.

Sure it’s better than those two things...still not good though. I’m not so sure he’s not malevolent towards white men, (ever seen Get Out?). My problem with his statement is twofold: 1) I think it’s textbook racism (Black exclusion of Whites is cloaked by a sort of “finally, it’s our turn now” sort of hypocritical faux-logic; whereas most exclusion of blacks these days is an accident of numbers) and 2) it (perhaps unintentionally) suggests the most important facet of a film is the protagonist’s race. If you think Citizen Kane is about a white guy you’ve: a) missed the point and b) are viewing your world through a depressingly narrow prism. Of course, with that wording, he may well have been saying that his film doesn’t cover any new artistic or philosophical ground, and the sole diversion of anything that might’ve come before it is in the color of the protagonist, but something tells me Jordan is neither that humble nor self aware.

I think this conversation has drifted far away from the original point.

My raging anti-Semitism is both a joke and a sad and reluctant acceptance of reality.

Go back to trying to win our hearts with your faggoty directing, stupid.

I expect the sub will turn on me eventually so I'm not going to hold back on my opinions or pander to anybody.

I can respect the cut of your jib. You have made me giggle like a little faggot more than once.

Your opinion is stupid. Especially in the context of what he said. You are giving it more layers than that monkey deserves. The fucked up part is that he will never have to explain it. There's no fucking way a white dude or shit, an Asian or Hispanic could say the same thing without the media asking for clarification or a full on apology.

My opinion is right.

Not really. You are giving him too much credit. On it's face, do you think a whote director could say the same thing? And then have hordes of dopes defend him? It was a stupid statement and he should take the L or articulate his thoughts better.

No, a white director couldn't say the same thing. But if one did, most people on this subreddit wouldn't be bitching about it. They would probably be supporting it. This is especially true if it were Mel or the guy who directed dragged across concrete.

I understand pointing out black racism for the sake of proving "leftists" hypocrisy but I'm also allowed to point out the hypocrisy of you fucking mary's getting genuinely upset because a black man did a wrong think

So which is it: are you holding this odd stance to play Devil’s Advocate? Or are you holding this opinion because you don’t mind racist black dudes saying racist things? This sub would only cheer on the hypothetical racist white director because they know the lay of the sociocultural land and they’re firmly in the first camp (devil’s advocates). It’s a fool’s errand to try to out-devil a group of devils, Beige.

That is exactly why.

It's a successful Black director with a Jewish wife. Of course our resident MDE faggots have to comment.

We have the Cumias, Nortons, Vos, Oswalt, etc. Jordan Peele is low hanging fruit.

I don’t watch his movies, I just hate how half Black people hate white people when none of them have ever even had contact with their black family

Does he really hate white people? I've never gotten that impression. I don't read his twitter or pay attention to interviews. So, if he's said that before, I apologize.

He just made a comment about how he wouldn’t cast a white person as the main character in his movie because “he’s already seen that movie”

It’s not super offensive (mainly because it’s directed at white people) but it’s such horse shit coming from half black people like him and Colin Kapernick (idk how to spell it)

I think it's a good statement if he actually sticks to his guns. Seems like he is directly addressing the complaint that women and minorities don't make their own movies featuring women and minorities. There doesn't appear to be any malice behind his intentions either.

Like anybody gives a shit if a bunch of women and niggers are in a movie

It seems like you do. Same with everyone else who is mad about replacement theory in entertainment. So do the SJW's who complain that movies, TV shows and video games don't meet arbitrary diversity quotas. It appears Peele is doing the thing both camps claim nobody is doing: making original content about non white characters.

Like I said, I don’t watch his movies, and I don’t care about diverse representation, it’s the total disrespect half breeds show for their white side when their black side did nothing for them.

it’s the total disrespect half breeds show for their white side when their black side did nothing for them.

You haven't shown that he disrespects his white side, unless you count his one quote about not seeing himself casting white actors in lead roles. That quote is in regard to diverse representation in movies: something you say you don't care about though. Do you want to use his words against him without bothering to understand the context behind what he said?

I’m sorry for thinking what he said was a dig at white people when it would be socially unacceptable to say the same about black people and his previous movie - by his own admission - shows all white people as evil

by his own admission - shows all white people as evil

Like I said, I don't follow all of Jordan Peele social media posts and interviews. Do you have a quote?

Righteous take tonight, Beige 👏🏽

Dude, most movies have white guys or women as leads. Even the left wing, cultural Marxist movies have some pretty white boy saving the day and getting the girl.

He just sounds like a pretentious cunt more than anything else. He thinks he's a modern day visionary when in reality he's the 2010's version of M.night shyamalan

That’s why they gotta go at white people extra hard. To prove their blackness. Look at kaepernick

Kaepernick is the one that pushed me over the edge. These guys idolize good for nothing niggers and have no appreciation for the white people that took them in

Anthony is that you?

I grew up in the same situation as Kaepernick. His abject hatred of whites is fucking faggy and bizarre and it is indicative as to how poisoned some of these assholes mind's are- literally abandoned and saved by white people. But "muh oppression." GTFO

Thats the most annoying part. All these woke poc cunts that make the most noise are always like half white. Imagine white guilt + having black skin. Bill burrs wife is the same. Irrational idiots all of em.

Booo hoo i was raised in the suburbs and i feel guilt so now i have to be a woke retard.

You typed this on mobile didn't you? Funny how it auto capitalized black but not white. 🤔

He’s great, and when the fuck did he ever say anything bad about white people?

I agree. Did he do or say anything to be hated?

Faggot. Documentaries are gay.

Okay nigger

Please don't attack my race

What an ugly dork

That’s not even what he said. On any level. I hate when you fags actually make ‘white fragility’ real because its such a gay fucking term.

It’s not about Peele but all these half breed mutts taking shots at white people when they were completely raised by their white family among white people

He didn't take any shots though? You're crazy

That's why he said it wasn't about Peele....

Except that he’s lying and his explanation doesn’t make an ounce of sense.

Why are you so obsessed with being anti-anti-anti-white? Explain yourself. Why did people reacting to modern racism trigger you SO badly? You're reacting like a fag.

It’s not racist and you’re delusional if you think it is.

You didnt answer and you're repeating yourself. Explain your obsession with "calling out" people that arent sorry to be white.

I can’t answer a question when I fundamentally disagree with the premise. If I’m repeating myself I’m sorry but you’re responding to all my posts in multiple conversations along with 10 other dullards making the same non-points.

Okay let's stay in this thread. What's your motivation behind getting upset about white people while you're also a white person? Why does it bother you?

I’m not mad at white people? I’m genuinely the type of fag who fights with all my friends because I think immigrants are destroying white society. But a black guy primarily casting black people in his movies just doesn’t offend me. Why should I care? We call black people lazy and leeches and get mad about replacement theory but then a black guy bootstraps it and I’m also supposed to be mad at that? By my own logic he’s doing what I want him to do.

And what Patton said is A.) a joke and B.) objectively true. It doesn’t mean anyone is attacking white people. It’s like being mad someone called the sky blue.

It's not the fact that he's doing it that people are annoyed by. It's the fact that he and patton want virtual Pats on the back for it. No one gives a shit that tyler perry does it bring it up constantly. its fine that hes doing it but hes not free of getting criticized for being a pandering fag. And patton isnt free of criticism for trying to latch onto this. Do you not see how patton is a hypocrite about this? Also Peele will not shut the fuck up about what hes doing. Just make good movies.

Peele doesn’t get up in soapboxes and preach against whitey. He gave a thoughtful, succinct answer to a question he was asked. I don’t understand what else you want from him. It’s a perfectly reasonable position.

Are white people tripping over their dicks to say he’s the new Hitchcock? Yeah a lot of them are but he’s never claimed that. I’m also embarrassed by the white cucks who do that stuff but I’d be a stupid asshole for allowing it to paint how I feel about Peele himself.

Also Patton is generally a huge faggot too, you’re correct but I just don’t think this is a prime example of it. What he’s saying in this tweet isn’t outrageous. And he’s not claiming white people shouldn’t work. At all. He didn’t say or imply that. So how is he a hypocrite? He’s just saying there’s room for everyone and there is.

No it's not outrageous it's just retarded. Peele loves being asked about that so he can say he only wants coloreds. He said the same shit when he made get out and he says this shit pretty consistently. No it's not outrageous but you dont need to get so upset when people disagree. I agree that some people on here are political ducks obsessed with being right but the reaction on here is pretty tame. Also it is pretty dumb that Peele thinks race matters when it comes to acting.

I think you’re wrong about Peele. Patton is generally a faggot so I can’t break my back defending him even though I don’t think he’s wrong here. But if you think I’m too upset about this it’s because


this is the type of shit getting upvoted in this thread. It’s fine if you don’t like Peele or think the pc police is running amuck or whatever but people here jumping to eugenics and shit is like come on, dude. If that’s who you are then whatever but don’t pretend like it’s a logical place to come from. And I don’t mean you specifically, I’m just saying I’m primarily annoyed by people who jump straight to “hurrr niggers are biologically inferior.”

We're relatively on the same page there. To be fair that guy only had two upvotes. I disagree about Peele. He seems to love talking about it. How do you disagree?

I mean on some level I’m sure he appreciates the platform and opportunity he has to elevate black cinema. If white people were the historical minority we’d probably feel pretty good about making movies with white casts too. It’s not like he rants about it and says “fuck whitey.” He’s just answering questions that are asked. This is also only his 2nd film. He’s still in the honeymoon phase of success. I doubt he’s gonna be making the same kind of movies and talking about the same stuff in 10-15 years.

More importantly though, if he’s an example to the next generation of black people, isn’t that what we want? An intelligent artist making hitchcock love letters? It’s not like he’s off promoting trap culture and shit. I just think he’s a net positive for everyone, even if the white people who suck his cock annoy me.

Fair points

I really do understand what’s so annoying about the whole thing so I hope I don’t come across as too preachy or whatever. I’m just kind of tired of the tribalism everything boils down to lately. I gotta sleep off how drunk I am right now though. thanks for being willing to address what I’m actually saying even when we disagree. Appreciate it, fellow faggot.

Yeah I got you man

Just youtube search Jordan Peele white people. He relishes being "woke AF".

Also Peele says hes "already seen that movie" and it comes off as though he thinks white people were cast because they were white. Then he thinks it's some sort of retribution to purposely cast black people for being black.

I disagree. I think saying “I’ve seen that movie” is also being read wrong. I think he’s just speaking aesthetically. It doesn’t come across as the best quote out of context, which is of course why it’s being spread everywhere.

This is a common theme among all black radicals since the 1960s.

I think it's a combination of European genetics raising their IQ and causing them to rise to the top of black communities, and at the same time growing up confused about their identity and being rejected by white society (real people).

I mean.. just look

It's pretty obvious, just something I've always noticed

It's rare, but sometimes you do see the opposite occur.

I think it's a combination of European genetics raising their IQ and causing them to rise to the top of black communities,

Can you imagine how great that would be? To get to play The Race Card AND be at the top of your class, all at the same time.

This and the Tripoli thread. You are this subs biggest cock sucking faggot. I hope you get testicular and colon cancer at the same time and get DP'd by your cancer.

Thanks for being my number one fan, faggot.

I am, and I wouldn't motherfuck you by lying and I truly mean that. Genuinely.

His brother Lexington Peels puts social commentary into his pornographic films.

Pathetic if true.

I'd be fucking & raping da white girl like da white man been raping & fucking people of darker skin for 100s of years. I call this Martin Cucking King.


You're on the wrong sub faggot. The she cuck subs are easily found. PS tell your whore cunt mom that she better have my food ready BEFORE I pump my load down her throat or she'll be back to begging me again.

Do another one

eat shit cunt

That was hilarious

I've had enough of this asshole. Why is he suddenly THE guy in Hollywood? He was the second banana in a shitty duo.

Niggers have to take turns. Usually it's only one at a time.

Kinda like rulers of African countries every month

Because the negroid race needs a helping hand because left to their own devices they can barely string together mud huts and gather the fruit and game that’s basically within arm’s reach in the jungles they call home.

A negroid’s head is so mishapen and barren of complex thought.

"gather the fruit and game that’s basically within arm’s reach in the jungles they call home."

This is the reason they're more impulsive and why the term "chimpout" exists.

Nature didn't select for attributes like future orientation the same way it was selected for in Europe during an ice age.

tl;dr nigs gonna nig

Satanism, getting fucked by other higher ups in the ass on a casting couch.


Racist cunts. Only racist online and anonymously of course though. Just whiny and timid in real life

He buddy Ill have you know i scour the streets at night with my cosh searching for poc’s to assault and harass

I just want to thank you for taking such a brave stand against racism. Things were really getting out of hand until you gave these bigots the What For and saved the day.

Sometimes I let mutual hatred of Joe Cumia distract me from the fact that this place is just a hatable bunch of fragile white cunts that need to log offline

There's always the Bill Burr subreddit.

Cumtown seems to have the best blend of subversive humor without the genuine and constant racism and incel style anger

You can also do these way cool lyrical parodies where you make popular song lyrics about sex. Sounds like a good time.

I do hate that and I hate Stavros

That's right Get it all out sweetie.

Yeah you’re so hard and I’m a soft snowflake. Uh huh. Yup

You told him

They really are. The only shit these idiots can comment on concerns race.

Lady Gag.

He's getting the sloppy seconds of a man who fucked hundreds of prostitutes raw before dating her for five years.

I dont get why this is a big deal all of a sudden. Spike Lee makes movies with predominantly black casts too, and has for a long goddamn time.

Don't like 'em? Don't watch.

If I said that about a play I was directing at a community theatre I'd be fired and possibly arrested.

This nigga thinks he invented black horror movies? Um, ever hear of THE CANDYMAN bitch??? I CALL THEIF!!! Go back to making fun of gays and retards on Mad TV!

Don't forget Tales From The Hood also.


Dont talk to your father that way


"I've seen that movie"? Well, I've seen that wife getting married to Ms. Vicki on Carson.

He us just the same privileged dildo as patton oswalt or whoever. The only difference is hes got black skin so he can make the woke community "listen to poc people".

Safe black guy faggot. The beyonce of directors. Ooh social commentary in my gay horror movie. Youre a comic. Stfu.

In Africa, to look smart, people wear glasses even if they don't need 'em. That's why during the frequent purges after military coups, they slaughtered everyone with specs.
I think that's what he's doing.

He got the girl

it's amazing how thick black rim glasses like that dude instantly make a dude look like a beta faggot heeb.

she looks like Fred Flintstone

That used to fuck norton, right?

The response is hypocritical from both sides. If the left was serious about diversity and inclusion they would be coming down on Peele for his statements. On the other hand, right wing white males have been whining for years that women and minorities aren't making their own content featuring non white male characters. When a black dudes starts doing that, right wing white guys abandon their principles and start crying "muh racism." If Peele had stated that he "couldn't see himself casting a Jewish man in a lead role because he's already seen that," I think the response here would be a lot different.

Okay let's stay in this thread. What's your motivation behind getting upset about white people while you're also a white person? Why does it bother you?

I disagree. I think saying “I’ve seen that movie” is also being read wrong. I think he’s just speaking aesthetically. It doesn’t come across as the best quote out of context, which is of course why it’s being spread everywhere.

You're as much a fruit for asking for a picture also.