Can We Show a Little Respect for Sam Roberts?

619  2019-03-27 by kencat100


If this isn't tweeted at the creature, we have lost our way

... multiple times

For all time

You're a fine gentleman

Holy shit LMFAO "Not Roe Cumia's Corpse" you're a savage

It was originally just “Roe Cumia’s Corpse”, but then Bro Joe reported me for impersonating someone on Twitter sonI had to tweak the name.

Of course he did, you probably made the cow see red lmfao. He's like a fuckin caricature of a dumb Boomer

You're not a savage lol


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Lmao at Sam shoving Randy Orton up his cornhole just to get his cock erect

Randy would never do such a thing

Outta nowhere?

Wow, who knew we had a professional comic strip artist amongst our ranks? This is fantastic. Great job. Truly repulsive.

I'll say dead on.

Will ya?

Wtf why is this getting down voted? It's standard joshing

Is it?

Because people here are reveling in the magnum opus of one of our generations most culturally relevant artists and you come in with some autistically out of place meme expecting upvotes. I hope we ruined your day.

Yeah fuck that guy!

Will ya?


What's the quarter a reference to?

That was his trick he has to show off in that stupid kids show he was on once.

Nice understanding of past and present tense, stupid.

Try to remember the name, I'm sure you'll

Figure It Out


I'm stunned at how talented so many of this subs members are. Documentarians, artists, musicians such as myself (I'm in a cover band called Not 2U). We cover the hits of a U2 tribute band called 2U

Wow, that's awesome! You should check out my band, Almost Almost Journey

I love Journey! My band is called “So, So, So, So, So, Soundgarden”

The amount of talent in this dump of a sub is mind boggling

yet there are people on the main subs who draw a 3-second stick figure and call it u/shittyartist or whatever, and they get 20k upvotes and 10x gildings

The difference between this sub and those other shitholes is we don't celebrate mediocrity. Over The Top

The name of this sub is r/Opieandanthony

Who's celebrating opie and anthony?

we don't celebrate mediocrity

This has to be a bit

I see what you did there...

Above all else... real...

We are the show now

You dont like comics if a boyfriend and girlfriend where they have cute little smiles and the girl makes funny faces about food and hangs off of the guy?

If only we had some gumption

I did two years for possession of gumption.

Thank you.

I'm waiting for someone to create a four movement Feed Nana symphonic piece. Some autist here surely has the talent.

One movement in sonata form...maybe

Gaythoven will come through for us.

alternatively: O&A trance anthems

such a great point.

This sub has put more effort into Opie & Anthony than Opie and Anthony ever did.

The sort of world I want to live in is where stuff like this exists in newspapers.

Good God, man

This place really needs a daily strip, brotherman

It's time we transitioned from documentary studio to comic strip impressarios

Funny mofos?

And then someone needs to put it on YouTube with some music behind it, for maximum reach.

Maybe not daily, but weekly seems realistic.

Day by day?

Brilliant. I think all our favorites need their own cartoon.

Eegads, what a nightmarish vision.

The nickel flicking off the ankle makes it

What’s the reference?

Dumb fuck Sam was on a Nickelodeon show where the panel had to guess his "talent". Chicken-fingers Magillicutty's special treat was the ability to flick a quarter off of his ankle. If Sam could suck his own dick he would finally suck at everything.

Ohhh that's right. I remember the Figure It Out appearance but must have forgotten the completely unimpressive talent.

What do you mean flicking off ur ankle? I’ve hear that said a lot but I don’t understand? He just puts it on his ankle and flicks it off? How is that a talent?

it's like "what's my line" for retards

Summer Sanders rules

Holy shit what kind wierd monkey ankle shit is that. Hopefully Schneider and Peck raped the shit out Sam.

Besides being really funny this is an amazing drawing. I like the style a lot

Who knew Ralph Steadman was one of us.

Or Dr. Suess

I actually had a tinge of sadness for Sam the other day.

I just pictured him over some weekend, watching some documentary with Jess, getting excited about it. We can spend 50 minutes discussing this on the show! Jotting down notes, texting everyone involved with Jim & Sam so they can pull clips. Then flying to Houston to do a PPV pre-show.

Shows up on Monday and Jim's like "yeah I was busy, didn't get a chance to see it". "Yeah my schedule was really packed" when you know he didn't have any standup dates and just edged to weird porn for hours instead. I put myself in his kicks for a moment, just time and time and time again hearing "yeah I watched it for a minute but couldn't get into it so I turned it off" and being forced to carry the discussion by yourself. Force yourself to call in Travis or an intern cause they actually watched it.

It's like being a teacher but one of the kids just doesn't have to do the homework. No, I didn't do my fucking book report Mr. Roberts, I was busy. Is there gonna be a problem? Yeah, thought not. How would you not want to strangle him?

Did you put yourself in his kicks? You rambling faggot

Might be a rambling faggot buddy but you're the one reading the post then whining about it.

Tulips tater tots twizzlers

Actually not exactly

Who said otherwise?

Shut up you faggot


We already have a schizophrenic mess, guy

God do I hate semi-ironic le randumb MDE humor

Yeah it’s fucking so gay faggot fucks

I know the point was to mock this retard ruining his own good line with a terrible autistic follow up bit, but I gotta know what about MDE is le random shit?

You had me until "kicks." Then I wanted to kick all your teeth out

It totally killed my hate boner as well.

Cartoon Jess has some nice big beefers

What the fuck is a beefer? Are you a fat retarded 8 year old trying to make his heathen friends giggle?

Are you one of those retard pagans?


I thought so. This ain't your show pal, back off!

Are you trying to threaten me, twinkle dick? I happen to know your dick the size of a chiclet and buried in a fat pad. The only thing a girl could do is flick it and laugh while you moan like a whale traveling the deep seas on an autumn’s eve

Linger longer you fucking lackwit.

I have 21 votes and you only have 2, so who lacks wit LOL

Got eem

Yeah I know babe he still thinks he’s got me on the ROpes LOL 😂 like he doesn’t get it he was already owned five minutes ago

Nothing I post is a goof ever

Then you should be deeply embarrassed sir

But I’m not


Drug addiction, alcoholism, mental illness and retardation

It's a bit we do. Linger longer you twink

Like to see her snatch and asshole.

Would ya? Would you like to see this cartoon drawings snatch and asshole? You fucking virgin faggot

I agree with both of you

Listen to me, you weirdo fuck....

I fapped to her twice

What in tarnation.

Excellent work, really, truly, astounding

Do you draw political cartoons for a living? This shit is impressive. Genuinely.

Don't ever ask about his business, Kay

It was between the Hardy brothers, Kay.

"This one time I'll let you ask me about my business."

"Did you draw it?"

Him and his wife fantasize about the same wrestlers

This is an absolute disgrace, good work.

This best OC since Feed Nana. And that's saying something given our bottomless cesspit of hidden talent.

I can't to see a Feed Nana cover drawing.

Could someone tell me what is the bit of something flying from the anklebone? Or whatever.

That poor woman :(

It's a quarter being flicked off his ankle. He appeared on the Nickelodeon game show Figure It Out, with that being his so-called talent.

And looking back for that made me notice his toes

For some reason nobody could guess his "talent." Like, do you call a freakshow bearded lady talented for having a beard? He's a genetic anomaly.

This is art. Pure art.

Moar plz.

The 3rd missing link

I appreciate this

Such nice little touches like how the WWE doll has fucked Sam's ass red raw.

That's really good caricature art. Really captured both of their essences.

This is spot on and gold.

Nice work dude, sams face has a Ralph steadman quality to it.

The fucking quarter!

If you aren't actually a syndicated political cartoonist it's a goddamn shame. Exemplary.

Great artwork stupid.

We’re not worthy of this masterpiece.

Six toed freak of nature. Perfection.

What a beautiful illustration of a hideous act. Really makes me feel bad for Jess. She has to be suffering.

Oscar the Grouch-lookin’ piece of shit

Political cartoonist-types haven't really seemed to change their craft much, since the 70's-80's. Everyone still seems to ink in the same way, even in the advent of Photoshop. And they all use the same taper tool, same brush, same rough layouts that they translate to finished drawings, without polishing up the lines.

Having said all that: Good work regardless.

Newspaper cartooning peaked in the 30s and 40s and its been downhill since then didn't then. Every art form has its heyday and then it becomes retarded.

Good job nigger

I appreciate the support....if this kind of shit can be somewhat cathartic for some of you sickos (as it is with me), I'll throw out more. God knows when it sucks, you'll let me know.

One a week like the Sunday funny papers, please, and if the mods don't sidebar every single one we know they are in the habit of pursuing insects.

I love you. In a faggot way.

your hatred of sam is beautiful

heres some more hate fuel

Ugh, what a shit page. Might as well have linked the Muppet's Instagram account.

“Hehehe why would you spend time making cartoons hehehe”-Sam’s inevitable response.


What's the thing near Sam's knees?

Saul Stein-asberg

Windsor McGay

Robert Crum-bum

Ronald Searle except you're a fat O&A nerd.

sam roberts must die

I like this comic, but lets be real here, Sam is not fucking his wife under any circumstances, and likely never has. He is perpetually a child. He probably gets boners and runs into walls like a retard to try and stimulate his penis, or engages in shameful acts similar to Chris Chan, stimulating himself with badly drawn WWE pictures made with magic markers.

Jess most likely had his baby, but probably through having the semen injected to her eggs from a medical professional. And she almost certainly has a side dick from a real man that Sam is aware of and accepts. There is no way she even lets Sam touch her beyond holding hands when he wants to go the toy store.

Wtf this looks professional. Like, you designed them as unique looking characters rather than just basic replicas. Great work.

Jess has a great bush

We have a winner here, we’re witnessing a lil’ bit of genius!

This should be framed on the walls of God damn Sirius.

This is too much respect for the least professional broadcaster.

Vurry good, sir. kencat100 killin’ it for us today!

Bill the Cat looking motherfucker.

I like your eye for anatomy because Sam would definitely have a foot with 6 toes

His red ass is really thebutter on the popcorn

This is worthy of the New Yorker

It would some kind of nonsensical caption to be New Yorker material

"I can't find my receipt my place is a sty"

The bad radio host says, "My wife is a slut."...?

Brilliant, only thing it's missing is a puddle of shit under jess

It's time for this sub to pivot and just become O&A cartoon porn

holy fucking shit

The individual talents of the people of this sub is incredible given the lack of talent of the people it is dedicated to

Every time I think you autist's can't up the ante any more, you make another fucking masterpiece. This might be the best one yet, jesus christ. Doll fucking him in the ass has got a niggas ribs hurtin' today.

This alone worth 60k

That's fucked up!! Poor Sam, he didn't deserve this abuse

This is beautiful

Sam Faggerts

Ben Garrison quality.

Sure, when he’s dead. Actually, no, fuck that guy then, too.

Holy shit this is fantastic.

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What the fuck is a beefer? Are you a fat retarded 8 year old trying to make his heathen friends giggle?

Like to see her snatch and asshole.

yet there are people on the main subs who draw a 3-second stick figure and call it u/shittyartist or whatever, and they get 20k upvotes and 10x gildings

If only we had some gumption

Thank you.

I'm waiting for someone to create a four movement Feed Nana symphonic piece. Some autist here surely has the talent.

I fapped to her twice

Wtf why is this getting down voted? It's standard joshing

such a great point.

This sub has put more effort into Opie & Anthony than Opie and Anthony ever did.