The best thing you will ever see in your life

33  2019-03-27 by andycumiashow


Immigrants make our country great.

Real Ass Illegal Alien of the Week.

RIP Qadan

I no keeked da baby!

All women are like this.

Poor little fella, the barrel-shaped cunt should have torn the other cunt's eyes out for that (I'm assuming that's one of her 17 kids.)

She kicked that little spic right in the nuts.

Right in the spiclets

Motherly instinct kicking in.

Women are retarded as fuck

Disgusting goblins

It's the NAFTA that makes Mexico a shitty place to live. The people are just wonderful.

Dirty wetback scum

Funny part is, that is her kid.

She really pulled that kick. I guess even in Ecuador punting toddlers is frowned upon.

Yes it is

The kike editors who control the American Judenpresse are absolutely correct: Immigrants from 3rd world shitholes are what make America great!

Yeah fucking right.

Let these people in the country!!!!

This week on housewives of Cumia boulevard

I need the audio for this. Source?

I know this is supposed to be a dark sub, but seeing this ruined my day.


Are you serious? A little fucking tap and your day is ruined? It was hilarious!

Smart. In ghetto fights, they tend to weaponize their brats and get them involved.

Damn! Did she kick that poor lil fella in the cojones?