"Hey, /r/OpieAndAnthony. You guys are just jealous of the "great chemistry" me and Dave have and all the FUN, FUN, FUN we're having. HO-LY SHIT, pass me another Bud Light, Big A!"

28  2019-03-27 by JustPooch


Those jokes....my god, those jokes.

Just finding jokes where others find tears

in his anus

I'll give Dave the minimal praise of saying that at least he hasn't blocked me or tried to have videos taken down. He seems to understand that jokes are jokes.

Stay on his good side, BF. He could be a great resource and contributor to your post-script documentary when Ant passes away.

He's just happy to have any attention at all since no one knows who he is.

I don't mean to sound like a faggot, because my intention isn't necessarily to praise Landau, but he is hardly the problem at CM IMO. He's just an open mic dude, who may or may not be funny, getting some side cash and working the best he can with post-funny Anthony.

Again with the 2 shirts

And adopting Joes technique of hanging his glasses of his shirt.

Yeah, let’s pretend Joe has invented anything


Nice awkward hands and old man reading glasses, stupid.

Dave Landau is a fat gnome.

Nice Walmart Boys section shirt choices, stupid. That shirt is so short..

Dave is a minuscule man. Even with perspective on his side, he still looks three inches shorter than tiny Tony. The man can be no more than 5'2"

Why is Ant's arm jammed in behind the TV?

To control the shakes.

He's trying to hide out of shame.

I imagine it's like me jamming my hand between the armrest and the wall during a turbulent flight. Sheer, faggy terror.

Anthony, you're 70 years old. We know your pube head is white. We've all accepted it. Why can't you?

I would never even have thought to ridicule what he does until he decided to go off on the "You're jealous of me" stuff. Way to use Xanax and cheap beer to give yourself an inflated sense of importance, stupid.

Landua is a tiny little man. Only reason he has the Mohawk. So he can appear 5’5 when he is 5’3


Nice soy sauce hair, stupid.

Big A was caught stealing from Nana on security footage and is still invited to the compound nightly.

Didnt he steal pot brownies or some kind of tasty snack?

Yeah, pot brownies. He denied it but it was on video. So, he was banned from the studio and compound for like 2 weeks. Nana is one tough cookie.

His legs are too long

Nice weird Johnny Cash, John Wayne paunch posture.

That green screen sure looks great.

How is this company still in business?

And adopting Joes technique of hanging his glasses of his shirt.