This a sick man. Just disgusting

51  2019-03-27 by crookedmile


That truly is one of the most disgustingly pathetic selfies since the inception of such horse shit nonsense. The only good selfie is the rare final moment before someone falls off a cliff to their horrific death etc. Look at that fucking faggot face! You think it’s sour grapes because he always comes in second place in a race that is only for two people? Stupid nigger nose bovine Joey.

This man needs a mental evaluation STAT

Any context to this?

Joe Cumia is a homosexual pedophile.

Card carrying


What an idiot. Cum is already plenty yummy.

i hear he also has children suck on jolly ranchers for an hour straight before they spit into his mouth


(Nigga With ***A*utism)

His stupid fucking faggot facial expression angers me a lot more than it should.

How the fuck did you even know that product existed and what the bottle looks like?

how can that expression + gun positioning even be described? gayly yet regretfully homicidal?