We need a new 9/11

22  2019-03-27 by pashow84


Definitely not a homosexual.


Travis looks like George Carlin with aids.

This is what replaced The Opie & Anthony Show. That is, of course, after the falsehood of The Opie WITH Jim Norton Show. Then The Opie Show with Vic Henley and Felonious Shit Face Whale Tongue Sherrod not to mention The Mad Gapper #Bruizing. Aaaaaaand then “you’ve heard the best now this is what’s left” Jim & Alien Head Show. The two worst offenders of coattail riding leechdom wormed their way to the top of the fetid, rotten shit pile...finally. Lest we forget: “we’re getting raises so we must be doing good!” Paraphrasing Jim when he was finally forced to address the abomination that is that hunk of shit show.

Hard to believe.

a show of all ugly unfunny child acting midgets

The special needs class touring their local radio station.