Anthony has no Twitter, lost his InfoWars gig, is not allowed on Sirius or the Chip Show, and his big book tour was one Barnes and Noble and the Joe Rogan Show

106  2019-03-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

How's obscurity, Anth?


One Barnes and Noble appearance. Boy is my face red.

Also banned from most comedy clubs


Being a drunk obnoxious racist.

Oh, so he's not actually banned from comedy clubs. This sub is so full of hate, its unreal lol

Die in a fire.

Whoa, edgy!

Cumia's $ is running out ballwasher.

Lol okay?

Hi Ant!

Isn’t he banned from a few of the major clubs? And there’s no argument that he has been banned from the other things on that list. But, yeah, I guess he’s doing great?

20 minute Barnes and Noble appearance with a $3000/hr off-duty police detail for the 2 protestors who showed up.

That would drive any man with dignity to suicide. Anthony's still here.

He’s been on Chip for the last several weeks

Being a chuckle cuck on a prop comedy podcast is his "rise again"

Jirn Motron is paying him mutil millions a show

How could you forget that he was on Bert Kreisher's podcast too? Dozens of people saw it.

Bert "The Hack" Kreisher? Ohhh he's so EXTREME!!! Uck.

But dude get this. Ok, you know how most people wear shirts, right? See this Kreisher guy... he doesn't! And it's not like he's like super in shape, like people would find it appropriate. He's quite portly! But he *still takes off his shirt!

Isn't that irreverent?!

...and the bottle NEVER TOUCHED THE GROUND!

imminent rueage!

No WAY!! There is no way a sane person would do this. He must completely out of control!!!! Like a guy with a beer belly would EVER just take their shirt off and do a set of comedy. That is just too outrageous.

Get outta town! Shirtless?!?!?!?

He took his shirt off! And we reacted to it!

He a sick puppy!

Bert is more of a salesman than a comedian. Every single thing he says is qualified with him selling how funny it is. If he’s on a podcast, he is going to talk about how life-changing amazing the “machine” but is. It’s not traffic great but he sold the idea that it is til enough people bought it.he even gave himself his own nickname from his own bit.

This applies to everything else he does too. Most of his act is family stories that he qualifies his crazy his family is. They aren’t, they are as boring as anyone’s family could be. But he sells that they are funny and interesting.

He even supplies his own laugh track because he laughs after every thing he said. He is a bad sitcom come to life. His career is supported by people too dumb to be able to tell what’s funny on their own and needs someone to tell them. It’s so sad to me

"Is that or is that not a succinct summation of the situation?" Yes it is. Perfection.

Is there an F-5?

...drops keyboard, leaves room.


Finger of God.

Wasnt he just on the chip podacast.

I'm not sure anyone would know.

You a fag who like baby noises and costumes? No one likes that shit.

You've got that right. Fuck any BETA who would promote doing so.

That's ok Opie.. you're doin just fine

Things are going great! 👌

What happened with info wars?

Alex was talking some shit about his representation in the news. And in a bizarre fit of self-destructive lunacy, Nana tried to relate by telling how he's been accused of having sex with transsexuals. And I guess everyone was supposed to react with disbelief, but his statement just laid there awkwardly. And this was just after Alex own tranny porn on his iPhone debacle.

Alex is really sensitive about sexual degeneracy. He probably found out about SelfCuttingGirl and cut Anthony off immediately.

Alex has zero tolerance for people who show any indication of an attraction to kids.

Alex also got caught with Tranny Porn on his phone.

He probably doesn't want to bring it back up.

Jesus told him to drop Anthony

I'm pretty sure that was way before Alex got found out.

It wasn't.

He got replaced by Owen Benjamin. He was doing InfoWars for free and still got the boot.

So he got replaced by a nut job that lives in the woods and rants about jews

Don't forget he also cries and apologizes, cries and apologizes.

Ain’t it fun

He's on Chip every week and has been bringing along his Compound crew and forcing them on Jim.

Now I feel bad for Jim.

Like the views weren't dropping off a cliff already...

Why do you know that?

I never claimed to have my shit together

The Compound crew are fine, It's his co-host that sucks! Seriously Missy was better on Chip than Landau ever has been!

Nana's bizarre outburst about blowing transexuals was the final straw for Alex. Cut too close to home.

Four markers.

Don’t forget Joey Diaz, that’s the one that put Nana back on the map

I tried to listen to that one. Didnt make it 15 min.

And he still sits there with that "better than ever!" smirk, never willing to concede that perhaps he's the one who fucked himself over, always looking for others to blame for his failings. Like how on Rogan when he was bitching about Opie wanting him to show up on time and pretend to give a fuck.

Ain't it fun?

Why isn't he on info wars anymore?

Lost the Infowars gig?

He isn’t on infowars anymore?

Didnt he say he was going to do a nationwide book tour

And Rogan, the one legit thing, his appearance was completely forgettable by all standards

I thought he was going to promote his book and speak about the talk radio industry but all the dummy did was talk about video games.

Banned from Fox News also

No guns, no Missy

What happened to his infowars gig?? I need to hear this.

What happened with the Chip show? I haven't watched that shit in a long time.

Whoa, edgy!

Hi Ant!