Jesus Fucking Christ

2  2019-03-27 by crookedmile


Grab a hottie...

This is what liberal education is doing to America.

Everyone in the thumbnail is too fat.

If given a choice, I think I would genocide fat people before all else

And lord, do I HATE Muslims

A lot of Muslims are fat if that's any consolation.

It is, thank you

Good. I love body positivity for fat women.

Let them be fat. Let them get fatter. Then let them have a heart attack and die.

No point in a fat chick losing weight anyway -- once a fat chick, always a fat chick. Ever fuck a woman and then she admits to you she used to be fat? That feeling of disgust is normal, because you essentially just fucked a fat chick.

I fucked a former fat chick. I've also done cocaine and fucked a current fat chick. Neither were proud accomplishments

This isn't even just an anti-woman joke or whatever but that fat chick from snl is legitimately a terrible and completely unconvincing actress. As terrible as snl is anyway anytime she comes on it manages to get worse.

I have no idea what this is but I'm almost certain jews are to blame for it.

More enabling brought to society by your friends in the Democrat party, the party of all things enabling.

Celebrate the weakest and most degenerate elements of a society while shaming and vilifying the strong and virtuous? Sounds like a war strategy to me.

Truly disgusting, but I agree with Barbara at the end.