Hey mod... define "political spam" please. And why did you ban me for it without prevous warning? Dont be a pussy and ban me just answer the fucking question for once

1  2019-03-26 by Anonymity_02


What was the post?

The nogger hoaxter

We have mods?

Apparently you've never made a post about an Indian shitting in the street.

/u/SpaceEdge what's up? Pressure from People.com?

Yeah, u/spaceedge

This isn’t the first time that something political, often leaning right, where a poster has been banned. The fuck?

  1. I didn't ban you.

  2. No politics here at all. I don't give a fuck about you right wing people or left wing people. Go post in the political subs.

Yeah! Tell him, faggot

Don't tell me what to do