Can anyone here translate retard speak?

10  2019-03-26 by ShitDickery


I believe only Joe Cumia can translate that shit

Anthony fucked my sister alroight


Can anyone remember the show where Bobo said "got poos flinged on them"? This made me think of the doofy way he gasped that gold out.

He's either begging for money or begging for bobbleheads. This retard is never not begging

Always Be Begging

translation: I have a bunch of junk, does anyone want to buy it?

I think this waterhead wants bobblehead dolls made of the people he @ mentioned. I think the "1/2" is just retard code indicating he's only got half a brain

I believe he’s saying everyone he mentioned are bobble heads, meaning they suck penises. He’s looking to pimp them out online a la Craigslist or Backpage.

Some retard money ploy

Lol he cant tag Ant.


Ain't it fun?

So he just types his name, like that means he’ll see it somehow

Hes got to either be saying he has list of bobbleheads he wants, that are being sold online, and he's begging Colin Quinn and a bunch of jerk offs to buy him some...


Hes trying to say he wants bobbleheads made of those guys.

*source- I am a retard

He is trying to sell swag he got for using OandA to freeload Mets tickets to people stupider than him. He thinks they are collectors items.

He has bobbleheads that he got for free from Mets games and is trying to sell them to the "celebrities" that abuse him.

I think he's selling off his worldly possessions as Aurora prepares to put Bono in the nicest assisted living joint that social security can buy.

I ran that threw google translate and my phone blew up.....

Bobo can mastermind a diabolical GoFundMe scam, but putting baseball trinkets on eBay eludes him.

Hes got a whole retarded empire going here.

I think he collects bobbleheads and he wants to sell them now and is trying to employ the help of the following.

What does the second Tweet say? He is implying two Tweets.