I could've made $500 million if I stayed at Vice. But anyways, here's a rant about how SJWs are the worst!

214  2019-03-26 by ghostphotobeats


Nice career move, stupid

Why can’t they behave ?


Don't forget he married John Redcorn. This guy stinks.

Big Mountain Fudgecake kicks ass.


Soon we will hear Gavin sing “wash my wrists, scrub my brains out” 🎶

(I hope y’all remember the reference)


They left the E off the shirts. But we wore those Fudgecak t-shirts with pride!

Fucking little weasel

He had a holiday home in Puerto Rico that he had to sell a couple of years ago and had to borrow money from his father around the same time. I know this because he blurted it out when he was out of his head on whiskey and uppers while trying to break the world record for longest podcast a while back. Guess his "please fuck off" $5 mill Vice severance dried up quicker than he hoped.

Nice venerating the entrepreneur, stupid.

It seems the Right likes to sabotage their careers. I don't know if you would consider Artie on the Right, I mean, he was trying to bill himself for awhile as an unapologetic shocking comedian unafraid to tell the truth.. except when it comes to drug addiction.. but anyways all these guys get kicked out of Hollywood and pretend to be apart of a lucrative community of black listed free speech champions.

I don't know if that's true. In the media/entertainment world maybe. I work in finance and the demarcation lines are pretty clear. The bureaucrats and management types in both investment banks and commercial ones are all pretty left-wing on social issues. The guys (and they are almost all guys) in hedge and private equity funds are almost always a bit more to the right. It's a much more risk appetite world and requires more creativity and a lot more entrepreneurship but that doesn't have anything to do with political persuasion really. Main difference is, I suppose, is that no one I know of or work with is willing to die on an imaginary hill over whether they can or can't say "nigger" on Twitter or whatever.

in hedge and private equity funds are almost always a bit more to the right

all those groups donated exclusively to Hilary. even if they are a bit more right, that just takes them from far left to regular left

I'm talking about London but Hillary Clinton is far from left wing.

shouldn't you faggots be banned from this site by now

Don't cry, treacle.

u gut em WINGEING nuw m8

I beg your pardon

Apologies mi lord, I know not what I do, I drank until noon, I couldn't pay my tab at the saloon, my wife walked out, so I drank another stout!


Left wing in what context?

Would you consider a British politician that wanted free healthcare, universal basic income, and state funded daycare, but only for the white Brits "left wing"?

"The bureaucrats and management types in both investment banks and commercial ones are all pretty left-wing on social issues."

Lol...just call them Jews.

"The guys (and they are almost all guys) in hedge and private equity funds are almost always a bit more to the right. It's a much more risk appetite world and requires more creativity and a lot more entrepreneurship"


Some people are culture founders while others are culture bearers it seems.

Some people are even reading Culture of Critique

Lol...just call them Jews.

Get a dozen of so MDs from Goldman in a room. It'll look like a Bennetton ad - Dutch guys, Indian women, Chinese etc. Just hardly any sub-saharan black people.

Did you say black cock faggot cuckolds?

5 mil. He could have retired in Nebraska and lived upper middle class. Instead he spent it on faggy hubris projects.


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The episode of his I watched a caller said he inherited $60k and wanted to know what to do with it. Gavin’s advice was there’s not much you can do with it because it’s not much money. Take out a few grand and go to Vegas and get hookers and blow. Just keep the rest in your bank account.

The financial insight of the Irish.

He's Scottish.

And a huge fagg.

The Scots have ruined Scotland

He’s pretty funny.

Gavin is funny. He is at his best when not talking about politics, tho.

Definitely. he's just another funny middle aged guy who became obsessed with conservative politics and self destructed a bit

exactly, he was great at mocking Ant and Artie.

Eh I wouldn't blame Gavin. The problem is that the entertainment industry is fucked at his level. It's either suck multi cultural Jew cock and maybe get rich or speak your mind and be poor. The grass isn't really greener at the cost of your soul.


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Oh, look:

Someone made a new alt just to argue against the obvious.

New alt? pfffft I've been ranting about the Jews for years.

No, the post that was removed. The post below mine. The guy who didn't realize that he needed to wait 5 days to defend the Jews.

Jim Jeffers

He's one of the funnier ones with politics. People make fun of him for walking away from a lot of money, but it would mean pushing tranny shit on kids and endorsing lesbians making gay communism cool so I think at some point most people here would just end up shooting up the office.

but it would mean pushing tranny shit on kids

You're right; he's so much better off pushing dildos up his ass on camera.

I mean if you wanna compare yeah one is better than the other.

Just do both

Well he’s an idiot for not negotiating a percent. $5mil and 1% in perpetuity and he’d still be rich

Is that how you think these deals go? You can just negotiate a percent, you retard?



Nigga they bought out his stake. He could’ve negotiated for anything he wanted, or said fuck Shane and kept his entire ownership stake. He thought Shane was an idiot so he took the cash. Dumb fuck could’ve negotiated any deal he wanted or kept 1/3 of the company

Yeah they bought out his stake, that means nothing. You don't get to stay a part of a company if everyone wants you to leave, unless you are a majority shareholder. There has never been a company in the history of the world that has survived where the founders hate each other and want to tear the company in different directions, it was 3 guys who started it and 2 wanted 1 out.

Here is an explanation of how this works for poor people like you: if they want you out, they will find a way, and then you get nothing. They either find a way to oust you, or they engineer a situation where you have to quit. Here's another thing for you: Vice doesn't become a billion dollar company with Gavin there. They never get to that level if the company is defined by conflict and a hostile group of founders.

There is literally no conceivable situation where Gavin makes that much money unless he toes the company line and essentially never says or does anything ever, which would be equally impossible because he would slip up at some point.

If they could get him out without buying him out they would’ve. He got $5 mil for his entire share, he absolutely could’ve negotiating selling the majority of his stake in the company, meaning he would have absolutely no say or influence in anything they did. He’s just an idiot, and you are too, child

Gavin's only redeeming quality was when he filled on for Nana and made Dave Landew uncomfortable by mocking Nana for taking heart medication.

LOL he actually did that? That’s hilarious

Not only that but I think he mocked Missy for being the girl that has to go get Anthony's pills before he throws a other tantrum.

Pull that clip up, Jamie.

Didn't he also hint Ant snorts coke?

He did a line in front of a freshly sober Artie haha.

He also mocked Artie by pulling out a bag of coke & doing a bump live on air, so he's bought some latitude with me.

And now he’s begging for $250K to cover his legal fees. I’m sure his family is thrilled that he threw all his money and career prospects in the garbage so he could focus on owning the libs.

PUNK Rock!

The only funny thing Murdoch Murdoch ever did was depict Gavin as the fag he is.

I don't think you understand Murdoch Murdoch.

What's there to understand? They use tons strawmen to make the universally discredited pseudoscience of "race realism" look good.

Maybe some people just don’t care about the money

They just want to watch the world burn

for $500 million I would eat my grandfather's ass and he's been dead for 6 years

I can tell you are very serious by the way you said it 👌

I'd rather eat my dead grandfather's ass than eat it during his lifetime. The poor guy survived the Depression and the war, I wouldn't want to put him through that too.

Gavin was on Joe Rogan and he’s pretty miserable about losing the Vice money

Dummy could have used that money to arm the Proud Boys. Maybe get an Apache

Oof. Maybe he shoulda sucked it up for the money

He was telling a story that he visited his friend who was dying of cancer in hospitaland couldn’t speak. She pulled up this article with her good hand and showed it to Gavin.

And he tells the story, which nobody who felt bad about it would do.

Opie fans don't understand.

good for him.

MFW I start a coy, ironic hate group but then have to distance myself from it because none of the members realize it was a joke about them being easily manipulated losers.

"hate group"


Is there a certain (((organization))) that gave them that label by any chance?


They only thing they hate is when there's not enough cock to go around

REEEEE... is the sound most of you faggots on this subreddit make. Change my mind

Wjo is this dude?

Why would you want 500 million dollars when you can shove butt plugs up your ass in front of a green-screen owned by Anthony Cumia?

Oh also this guy contributed to SJW culture by being one of the first hipsters in the 90s.

He wasn't just one of the first hipsters. He invented hipsterdom

Don't forget the balls.

He was the first one to mock them. "SJWs" already ran everything in indie world, so it was refreshing.

Huh, that's an interesting point. I'm surprised this hasn't been used against him before.

Compound Media - By stupid motherfuckers, for stupid motherfuckers.

Faggot with nonexistent redeeming qualities.

I liked when he got naked and shoved a mic up his ass. Faggot.

I'm fine with this guy.


CRTV apparently threw him a bunch of money to join their podcast network, then Glenn Beck told that nigga to kick rocks. Don’t know how much his Vice severance was, or if he kept what he made when he was there. And when he sold his end of Rooster shares, he could’ve made bank from that. Now he’s just straight-up unemployable.

He’s funny; he’s just naive. He’s the epitome of “Do as I say, not as I do”.

A fucking chinless fool.

Anybody who says this guy isn't funny is a fuckin idiot. Yes the proud boys thing is for faggots and i despise libertarians, which Gavin claims to be, but isn't. But his show on old man cumias network was the best thing they had ntm sjw's are complete faggots

He's one of the only "right wing" commentators who are entertaining if you ask me

This is what happens when you mess with Spencer Nolan Rice - humiliation time, Gavin.

To be fair I'd take a small payout to no longer be associated with vice.

it always strikes me a as weird that he bashes SJW but looks exactly like one

Anyone who actively tries to make something out of their facial hair loses my respect.

Pull that clip up, Jamie.

I mean if you wanna compare yeah one is better than the other.

Didn't he also hint Ant snorts coke?