Reminder: Jim Norton thinks the 'Anonymous' part of AA is because you can't talk bout the organization itself like Fight Club.

157  2019-03-26 by Itllbeceesh

Also he's not actually an alcoholic. He just thought up a reason to have something in common with his idol Ozzie and uses AA meetings as an excuse to meet celebrities.


“Dry Drunk”

I move we stop referring to him as a dry drunk. He’s not really an alcoholic and the moniker just validates his wanna be edginess.

You forget that he had a 6 pack of Bartles and James strawberry wine coolers when he was 17 and got really fawwkin dark. He knew then that alcohol was going to be a real motherfucker for him, so he decided to get sober.

yeah, its a tough one man.

He was half way through his 2nd bottle & called his mom crying " ma I gotta problem & need help!"

If you take a picture at an a meeting whose name I’m not allowed to reveal, you are a scuuuumbag

Sizzling hot take, stupid.

He may also use AA meetings to try out new material. I’ve suspected that for a while.

Ewwww yes. Back in the day they exchanged tapes of hilarious speakers, now they are all on YouTube for your enjoyment

It's how you know he's never gone.

He’s also never seen [i]Fight Club[/i]

He maybe saw ten minutes of it while walking to the Cellar, but he genuinely doesn't remember... He would tell you if he did!

i dont believe that he actually goes to meetings.

oj no, I believe he goes. It's somewhere where he can self-endulgently pontificate about his feelings, & people are forced to listen

"Hi, I'm Jim Norton and I'm an alcoholic"

"aw for fuck sake"

"isn't this supposed to be anonymous?"

You think he's going to miss the stage time, and the chance to lecture other people on their behaviour?

At the least he doesn’t have a sponsor

The first rule of succeeding in AA is never being an alcoholic in the first place.

He's the chick in Fight Club who goes to meetings because she's lonely.

And brooding.

Don't forget, queer with a fierce lack of talent.

Don't forget sexually promiscuous and attracted to Brad Pitt

Well, in some instances, they do ask that you protect even your own anonymity. I did AA for a while. I respect what they are doing, but it just wasn’t for me. Going there was too depressing, everyone was just wallowing in their alcoholism. I haven’t been to a meeting in 10 years and I haven’t even thought about picking up a bottle. I am most certainly not disparaging what they do, it works for some people. But Jim needs to stop treating it like it’s the illuminati of stumbling drunks.

Suggests anything else besides 12 step groups can get you sober.

"Hm yeah well whatever works for you, man. Just saying for me that would never work. But if it works for you that's fine."

Jim Norton is a fool.

Continuing to go to AA in your 50's for drinking beer as a teenager is the funniest joke Norton's ever done

He just needs something to obsess on

maybe he's just a stupid piece of shit worm

He just needs something to obsess on

Hopefully in a year or so it'll be his firing.

They tell these people that if you ever had a problem with alcohol you will have it for the rest of your life, like you're a fucking schizophrenic.

are you seriously trying to tell me that things change between age 17 and age 55? Yeah fucking right

I remember when he got mad at some caller and he would use his faggy code words like "A PLACE WE GO" or some stupid faggot shit. Looking back you can see he was just trying to be a part of a club. What a fucking loser.

A guy told him to go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and he said "EWWWWWW! ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE GUYS WHO SAYS THE NAME OF A PLACE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ANONYMOUS? EWWWWWWWWW!"

"The place that supposed to be anonymous"
Wherever tickets are sold for Worm Norton's live gay comedy fagstravaganza.

"I'd love to tell you where you can find help but I swore an oath to a shadow group. I know it's a tough one but you must solve the riddle to prove you really want it. Ok man? I hope that helps buddy. Take care. Hello next caller, you're on the Jim Norton Advice show. Yeah that's a tough one too".

Norton should convert to Islam and get shot.

did anyone ever listen to advice show of his? I haven't heard anything from it but I can only imagine how many lives he ruined

It's literally the worst radio show ever but if there was an archive of it I'd listen to it. It's genuinely fascinating how bad it is.

I heard one the other day where a guy with sleep apnea called in. He said his doctors were really worried he was gonna die in his sleep because of how bad it was. Jim hears this and instead of saying "that sounds serious and you should probably take your doctor's advice and not mine", he gave him instructions on what to do. Might have killed the guy. But then, anyone who calls Jim's show for advice and actually takes it deserves to have their life ruined.

Jim breaking his sobriety now would be great

I am fascinated by Jim. It's like a alien trying to pretend to be human. He seems to be just slightly off on nearly everything. From whisky adverts to dating he's slightly out of sync


What kind of faggot can’t handle a drink now and then, especially after not touching it in any form for decades. Get Rickett’s you old phony queen.

He's a boob

Jim doesn't go to AA just for alcohol. He let it slip one time back on the radio, a long time ago, that he was addicted to a specific nasal spray. Turns out that spray contained huge amounts of ephedrine. That's what they make methamphetamine out of. Jim has a meth twitch. Jim used to be addicted to legal uppers.

If it had speed it was probably either Primatene Mist or those older Vicks inhalers that still had amphetamine in them.

Jim didn't go to AA because he's an alcoholic. He went there to try out his shitty jokes.

Being part of AA really is about not talking about it to others though. Are you retarded?

Part of the whole thing internally is introducing yourself and forming a group, it's pretty well accepted you're not supposed to spread it around especially if you're famous so you dont pollute the meetings with sober starfuckers.

"We're from Alcoholics Anonymous" "What's your name?" "Well, we're anonymous"

A guy told him to go to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and he said "EWWWWWW! ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE GUYS WHO SAYS THE NAME OF A PLACE THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE ANONYMOUS? EWWWWWWWWW!"