Jim: “I’m 5’7...” Pete: “5’7” my ass. What do you got high heels on...”

28  2019-03-26 by UnclePaulsSoul


Not enough love for the bullying he gave the worm that day.

Ugh I can tell just by his posture the way he’s talking and what he’s saying. Hateable little shit

Worm Alert Status Activate!

Nice atrophied biceps, stupid.

Looked how perked up and gay Jim looks

Is this the one where Pete called Vos a dried up Ecuadorian soccer player?

Pete killed it the whole time he was there. Kind of interesting that the funniest person to ever be on Opie and Jim was a retired baseball player.

Yeah. He also told Bob Kelly, who was being quiet the whole time: “You can chip in chubby any time you’d like.”