Friendly Reminder that Joe and Anthony both used to creep on their still developing sister.

20  2019-03-26 by Brentondidnothingbad

Did they molest Dawn? Is that why she has shown Stockholm syndrome in defending her pedophillic brothers?


I bet they ran trains on her


It would make sense consider Joe Sr made Anthony lie under him and drink his piss in the shower. That changes a person.

I have it on good authority that baby Ant was the one molesting his poor father in the shower.

No. She’s female, so that didn’t happen.

Ant begged his mommy to dress sexy when she went on school field trips with his class too

I mean I know we all like a good razzle dazzle but this isn't even an exaggeration. Ant used to literally trick his sister and her friends (all about 9 at the time and much younger than him) into doing handstands so he could see their pussies. This isn't a sub work of fiction, this is an actual admitted fact.