Freedom fighter. Leading voice of the resistance.

120  2019-03-26 by OperationPolybius


Insulin resistance.

Insulin Resistance.

Wait did that just happen?

He does that all the time like a weird embarrassing confession to his parents why he got detention. Of course he didn't use cutesy language like a girl blogger, he doesn't even have to bring up to people he got suspended. His Instagram still says he got banned on Twitter for "telling a Russian bot to go fuck itself".

I don't even think Joe is crazy enough, even after slamming two bags of child spit, to believe anyone would believe he got banned for being a martyr. I think Joe actually always gives us credit when you guys do something.. fuck.. I'm starting to believe Patrick is more disgusting than Joe now..

He is. I don't think it's even close. Retard politics aside.

He's way worse than Joe

I want to throw darts at his face

He looks like he's been drinking. Mueller investigation was a bust, Avenatti was a con man and his last remaining outlet of any note, FB, has banned him for 3 days. Wait until he gets a perma.

Won't be long, judging from his hairline.

perm yuma

I did my part to report his "Aim for the head" post. Someone should aim for his jugular.

If I had a FB account, I would have.

Makes sense - I heard a few people reported his "You should've aimed for the head" post, which was a clear threat to the current President

He posted that on Instagram, too. Made me uncomfortable, so I reported.

This dude is such a corny edgelord.

I have no idea what expression he is attempting to convey.





Thats the look a 4 year old girl gives between asking pretty please to have their way and a full on bitch fit crying temper tantrum

Well, that got Anthony’s attention.

Chronic diarrhea.


His expression: an old black woman asking one of her granddaughters "Oh honey child, what's wrong?"


This is why the alt-right is winning the meme war. They stick to pictures of cartoon frogs to express their smugness.

They don't go "let me take a self-satisfied, condescending selfie in this Applebees to demonstrate smugness". There's really only so much material you can write about a cartoon frog.

Plus he probably ordered 3 individual steak fries and a white wine spritzer in a Batman grape jelly jar

That's really the issue here. That alt-right kid might have waddled down to the kitchen, microwaved himself four hot pockets (because he eats them four at a time like Kit Kats), then in a sweaty disaster dragged himself back upstairs and posted a smug frog in a MAGA hat.

I don't see the sweaty disaster. But good lord do I see Fatrick's struggles making it from the parking lot to inside the restaurant. He's red and glistening like a ripened strawberry.

The complexion of his forehead frightens me

Boozy fuchsia

Fatrick is one of those morons who thinks that Five Guys isn't fast food because it's a bit more expensive than your average fast food burger joint, and that eating it makes him better than your average McDonald's goer. It doesn't Fatrick, you corpulent, beet-faced slob.

Nobody wins a meme war.


Me win twice

Faggiest thing you've written this week.

But there are 3 and a half days left to it, I'm sure this record won't stand long.

That frog does look like a smug dick.

They love that fucking frog too.

I mean, that's why the frog immediately sprung to mind. Fatrick's trying to do the frog but the nazis have officially claimed the frog so clearly he can't use it.

Then "oh I know, I'LL just take a photo of myself with a smug dick face". Idiot you know this sub is making fun of you.

Pepe is love. Pepe is life.


I'm not alt right I just like how the lil frog looks.

Nah, they're winning because they can be honest and mean. Meanness is the first ingredient of 90% of everything funny.

Meanness is not saying "Honey, Actually, Sweetie," or anything along those lines.

Forget about saggy titted Italian pedophiles, alt right people online make jokes that are actually mean and savage, whereas the left says something self complimentary prefaced with "Actually," or a similar faggots-only prefix, and then tells us afterward how fucking mean it is.

At the bar again, huh.

I finally saw a video-post at that bar his Instagram pictures always tag him at and it sounds like a Dave and Busters with all the shit going on in the background. This shitty sports bar is where he brings his books to give out. Previously he stuck to taking pictures of him by the back booths so it looked like a local tavern. His drinking must be escalating.

A place like that only exists near a college campus. Fatty never left Madison...

Never went there either- or atleast he was never enrolled in their writing program.

What’s the bar? I live near him and would love to get a sighting but don’t have Instagram.

Hooligans. Fuck, that's a gay name for a bar..

Thats worse than Shenanigans

I will make an exception and gay rape Pat Thomlinson if I ever meet him.

You only live once.

You cant rape the enthusiastic

Watch out guys, this tough guy punches nazis!

Whose face is fatter and less intimidating, his or that other guy Elizabeth Clarke?

He talks about punching woman because he knows if he was confronted by a man he would cower. Fake tough guy will never do anything more than post sassy selfies.

No Twitter, Facebook jail. Anyone use Instagram and can report him? Let's get this trifecta goin.

Pretty soon he'll be back on MySpace. Imaging how Fucking cringey his page was back in the day.

Well, he posted the same “should’ve aimed for his head” comment on Instagram. I didn’t feel safe, so I reported it.

I did my part.

Banned from Twitter. Banned (temp, for now) from FB.

Tired of us yet, /u/patrickstomlinson? We're not going away like your ex wife and daughter did.

We're not even being unfair. He's been punished appropriately for breaking rules.

Yet he treats this place as if we manipulated them into suspending him for saying he would punch a woman for wearing a MAGA hat. The guy is insane.

Yeah, he's an outright liar. He also claimed "a white supremacist showed up" at his house without any evidence or further details given.

child it was a russian white supremacist

Almost as bad as the black white supremacist.

Is his cat going to get a Facebook page now?

And Instagram. He posted the same thing that got him suspended there.

Can't heart disease hurry and kill this obese pedophile?

Obviously Facebook isn’t okay with letting Nazis use their platform, they suspended you didn’t they?

Is this guy related to erock? Look at those dreamy eyes. Pretty cool huh?

What a girl.

This guy is legitimately mentally ill.

He’s not fat, child. He’s just put on weight from all the food he’s constantly eating.

Crushing his jaw with a right cross would make me feel something good. Like the 1st day of a large purchase, but even better.

Hell yes. You're sellin' it and I'm buyin'!



Sue. Both of his readers.

Bullshit. He wasn't "calling Nazis shit heads". He made a veiled threat.

It wasn't even veiled.

Does he smooth out his face in Photoshop every time he takes a picture?


Stupid tub of shit acts like conservatives arent being banned left and right for saying things half as inflammatory or controversial as calling someone a nazi for wearing a hat supporting the president. He is absolutely worse than Joe. He makes me seethe with rage. I hope his bull smashes a bottle of old e in his face and pawns his switch for crack money.

So many Jews on the alt right it's laughable.

...tfw Chris Hanson walks into the room as ur hot date slips out

and there's no homemade iced tea or cookies.

His eyes are to far apart, like a hills have eyes character

This doughboy fuckwit thinks he's fighting nazis. Unreal.

Isn't this man like 50 years old?

Do him and Joe think they are highschool kids or something? Any adult looking at this has to get a scour on their face. Chirst, social medias for fucking twats

I think it's about time this guy gets sent to obscurity, permanently. Paedophiles should not be allowed a platform.


hiV: The Final Battle (with crippling alcoholism).

Bet this fat fuck wishes he kept his fat mouth shut about Norm now.

Can this gross faggot follow ANY social media TOS?

This faggot is on some heavy meds judging from the foggy glazed over peepers. Antidepressants and benzos. Maybe even antipsychotics, some of them give you moon face.

You’re no medical professional, he has a Moon face because of beer and brats. You try going without them in Wisconsin.

I caught this guy trying to fish turds out of a toilet

child it was a russian white supremacist