Anyone who is 6'1" and brags about being tall is a gay faggot.

42  2019-03-25 by SUK_MY_DIK_JOE_CUMIA


Joe Cumia bragged about being 6’1

Yeah Joe Cumia is a faggot

Is joe Cummins a faggot or just a man of exquisite taste

Among numerous other things

I'm 6'1" and have never bragged about it. I'm also a faggot. Dream Big

I'm 6'1" and I'm the shortest of all of my friends except 2.

Where u been 😑

Hes a giant next to ant.

To be fair, 6’1” is gigantic for an Italian. Gotta be that Moor blood

It’s true :(

Your dad was a little guy too. Rip Johnny.

Rip JT

Anyone who brags about being 6’1” is usually 5’10”


6'1 is a solid height but when you are also 55+ (at the time) and have an old man gut, no $$ and cosplay an average MC don't mean shit.

I am 6'4, 250 and very close to being the Opening manager for my nearby Panera. I got things going on!

It's the ONE thing Joe has on Ant.

Ant has money, and he used to be widely respected and kind of famous. Joe has never once had any of those things.

However, Ant is 5'6''. A real shrimp.

I'm 6'2" and 30 lbs heavier than him, but I'm nowhere near as flabby or fat looking as him. I don't understand how he looks like such a dago grimace.

I'm 6'2" and never shut the fuck up about it. Come to think of it, I'm kind of a faggot.

Aren’t people on this sub banned from posting in r/chapotraphouse ?

Why do you have a bunch of non troll posts there about AOC ?

Did I not just say that I'm a faggot?

you're gonna upset the people over at /r/short

I knew I read that somewhere

What if you're 6'1&1/2"?