I think Tubby might be on suicide watch now

59  2019-03-25 by TedBacon


Elizabeth Clarke is fat and lonely

So fat. And so lonely.

What's weird? A sleazy lawyer got caught trying to do something sleazy. It was as natural as squirrels eating acorns and Jim Norton lusting for Nordic "women" with 11 inch cocks.

yeh, no shit, not weird at all


Well ladies, gents, xers, and they, that's enough Facebook for me today. If you need me, you can find me on my usual barstool.

He's like Norm from Cheers without the solid marriage and friends.

More like Francis Buxton from Pee Wee

And no one happily greets him when he walks through the door

“Oh great that fat bastard is back again and is going to chase all my patrons away by trying to sell them shitty rom coms in space... Oh hey Pat, what are you having today?” And Pat thinks she remembers his name because she likes him.

Yeah, turned over or sumphin

C'mon dude, you're always on this sub. You should know by now we don't make baby noises here.


"I'm outside of my house. Today is too fuckin' weird."

Ari Shaffir looking muuug.


He'll be back on Facebook within 3 hrs.

All his corrupt Democrat heroes getting exposed in one 24 hr period won't keep his fat ass from attention seeking.


Imagine being such a dimwit manbaby that you genuinely believe a bunch of lawyers and politicians are the "good guys."

Imagine anyone, anywhere, at any point in human history, being so gullible as to actually like Hillary Clinton.

Imagine being so gullible that you actually say shit like "future president Ocasio-Cortez"

Yeah president of rubbing her titties on my dick

Oh look Patrick Tomlinson is an annoying SJW I didn’t know

Oh, come on. I know liberals that never even trusted Avennati and considered the whole Stormy Daniels thing to be a distraction. Patty needs to get over himself.

The bit is he's too radical for Democrats but was never a Bernie supporter. A radical freedom fighter under the service of Lady Hillary is who he role plays as.

I assume, either subconsciously or not, that he believes most women in the country were indeed for Hillary and women are a population he desperately wants to have support from as a kind of control over them.

I hope Hillary spirit cooks both Pats as well as Pete Davidson's future children.

The dude tried to extort fucking Nike. This isn’t a damn mom n pop shoe company. The fuck did he think would happen?

It was indeed a bold strategy.

I haven't figured out if his hilarious insanity makes me admire him yet.




Rat-faced faggot.

Who would have thought this shifty, opportunistic shyster was doing some shady shit.


I hope Hillary spirit cooks both Pats as well as Pete Davidson's future children.