find a girl who looks at you the way Milla looks at 6'1"

59  2019-03-25 by DannedFromBrama


She is lovely.

Cute as a button

i want to lick her teeth

The necklace stands for "My Joseph."

We'd all be dead if it wasn't for my Joseph!

If it hadn’t been for cow-eyed Joe, I’d been scheduled a long time ago 🎵

Heh g1

I’d like to hold her hand and give her a smooch, if you know what I’m saying

Her erect nipples look like tiny dicks. That's why he was really into her.

Why do men lie about their height like people are blind? I'm 5'10 and when I used to online date, I can't tell you how many guys said they were my height but really like 5'8 at most. And then they would try to tell me that I was wrong and really 6 ft. -_-

Thank you! I'm 5'8 and it blows because if I'm honest they read my profile and assume I'm lying and 5'6"

Ugh wow that has to be really annoying!

More importantly why does Joe always say 6'1 like it's really tall? Sure you're above average height but the way he mentions it it's like he's 6'9. You can meet people taller than 6'1 everytime you go out.

They're just insecure about it, and I get it. It must kinda suck being short since you cannot make yourself taller, and on dating sites lots of women care about height.

She should be the Queen of this subreddit.

She is