Reminder: This little pipsqueak got fucking ALPHA’D by a tranny and didn’t do jack shit about it

15  2019-03-25 by comeflywme


yeah you gonna fight that thing?

Fair point sir

To be fair, that jaw looks as solid as rock.

Because that jaw belongs to a super athlete.

That monster is an ex navy seal. He should have went harder and baited him into a physical altercation.

If anyone scruffs the back of my neck like that it's an automatic punch in the face.

I think you just coined a phrase there Abe

Dude... im not going to blame a 5'4 guy for not wanting to fight Dolpg Lungren

It would have pulled his soft Jew ass apart like a cinnabon.

She did get her ass kicked....BY LOGIC AND WORDS.


Jewboy did the logical thing, trannies are literally insane and capable of doing anything

Jenner has killed before.

Mrs. Doubtfire

Game Stop employee: “Sir...”

Are you kiddin? Joe's Dad from "Family Guy" would kill him. Shapiro is just a little Jewish guy, he wouldn't fight Jim Norton let alone this monstrosity.

Quagmire’s dad*

FUCK! You're right..

Hate to be that guy but Jew boy is the only one trying to actually debate the issue. They just talk over him but their feeling are hurt.

He wasn’t arguing honestly if you can’t even be civil in the argument. If someone on a panel refered to him as the jew his head would get so hot it’d pop his yarmulke off.

I feel like he was being civil. His point is that transgender people are biologically their gender assigned at birth. He called them by their new names, but refuses to use the pronouns that they ask. It hurt there feelings and they couldn’t handle it and have a proper debate. As for the Jew thing, it’s a good point but we are not sure what would happen in that situation.

Yeah he’s just such a tryhard with that shit he was talking to Rogan about an athlete and keep switching between pronouns trying to keep consistent. He told Dave Rubin to his face he wouldn’t celebrate anything about his gay marriage with him. Even if he’s a manlet he speaks his mind.

He just talks faster than everyone and interrupt s everybody. It's easy to win an argument when you're the only one speaking.

What's going on here? At first I thought it was David Hogg and an intoxicating woman. Now I see the little Jew hat and think it's Ben Shapiro.But why is that ma'am picking him up by the scruff like a kitten?

Because it's a man in a dress and manhood doesn't just disappear when you turn your dick inside out.

tranny grabs shapiros neck and INSTANTLY regrets it

She its, are mentally ill, so ergo, retard strength.

Quagmire’s dad*