Wait a minute, there is NO WAY Oprah would read a book written by shock-jock Anthony Cumia....oh wait...you got me!! 🤣 🤣 📙

23  2019-03-25 by crookedmile


Interesting fact.

Anthony used to (Or still does) have oprah listed as a guest as a show on his website. Whats his fascination w...OH SHES BLACK.

She's thinking "What a nigger..."

Well - if Oprah did read it - better raise that tally from 237 to 238 confirmed readers of Anthony's long awaited book....

An ode to his life on Twitter - with what I'm guessing was boring radio stories and growing up like the trash he is.

Anthony's book wasn't that thick.

Also, nobody read it

How’d that book signing go? I missed it, but I hate big crowds so it’s probably for the best.

This is outstanding photoshop work by Compound Media standards.

She's actually reading Slaughterhouse Five.

Fun fact: There was only one person more that got a signed copy of the book at that signing than the number of actual authors that took to write it.

Does he even mention he wrote a book ? Or is to embarrassing for him?

His book ain't that long