If this faggot shows up during your shift at Panera make sure to put extra rat shit in his order

23  2019-03-25 by ShitDickery


I’m guessing they are pro-Israeli democrats ... a waning sect

You can just call them Jews, we’re all friends here

sorry I see money grubbing Sharon Drump asslickers

theres at least five people in this scenario who stink including you

I love Carl's post.

Why don't you marry him?

Every fake intellectual wigger poser never shuts up about fucking wutang. It's becoming an epidemic.

It’s about 7.5/10 in terms of 90’s NYC rap

I'm not saying they're music is bad, just that there fans are try hard faggots who probably know like three songs.

i wouldnt even call them fans, hipsters just think they gotta like them like sonic youth

More like Sonic Bore, amirite?

Hey man, I’m actually really sorry, I listen to Wutang AND Tribe.

"Oh gawd, Murray! I think that schwartze just rapped about niggers being the true israelites. Oy vey! Make him turn that filth down."

Who cares what the music is? Who cares what he’s doing with his money instead of paying child support?

Man this Panera joke never gets old. Keep it up

How DARE you suggest that the music is too loud? Only a worthless old RACIST would have a peoblem with loud rap drowning out the conversation they're having with the person they're sharing a drink with.

I don't need to worry about that, because I'm drinking alone at a bar. Again.

Looks like Rich Vos if he wasn't trying to dress like a LA cholo.

I’m sure they asked, not demanded to turn the music down. They were probably trying to enjoy a meal and conversation.