All this political shenanigans happening had me thinking...

40  2019-03-24 by SUK_MY_DIK_JOE_CUMIA

Joe Cumia is a faggot


We’re on the same wavelength, brotherman.

Did you know that Joe and his brother fuck children?

Special counsel, Robert Mueller, has indeed concluded that Joseph Cumia is a queer.

That's not true. But he did not exponerate him.

I'll exponerate you, ya play your cards right.

I don't like to be that guy, but username checks out

You're lucky Joe has a couple Jameson's in him or he wouldn't be exponerating your cards right now

Always thought he was more of a qweeb

I think everyone can reach across the isle and agree on this

It's aisle, stupid.

They aren't on boats separated by a small strip of land.

joe cumia is a father. a musician. a man of culture. a veteran. a war hero

nice try wit da hate tho

The queens making fun of Joe's service would never even enlist. Joe Cumia tweeted nothing wrong, you lisping reddit faggots.

the virgin redditard fears the chad joe

Opie fucks his retarded daughter.

I am brave enough to peel potatoes and make stew.

Wasn't he drafted?

In these divisive times, it's important to remember that Joseph Cumia of 2U Fame doesn't take his daughter to school and she's about to be expelled over it.

You can hear all about the Mueller report on Monday, March 25 at Brad Garrett's Comedy Club at the MGM, Las Vegas.

Narrated by Rich Vos.

A rhetoric people of all colors, political parties, and creeds can get behind.

Joe Potatoes