Joe thinks he almost had this.

91  2019-03-24 by RBuddCumia


How tall is everybody in this thread? I'm 5'3", do you guys think she'll go to dinner with me?

5'7 so I was restricted to commercial modeling never got to walk the runways like this goddess

I'm 5'10". She would be blown away by how tall I am, lemme tell ya.

I'm 6'1 and a half.

The virgin joe cumia Vs the chad jim-sucks-shit

6'2". I could kiss her on the forehead.

Baby beefers

fibers. Nips.



Auschwitz bitch

Nigga u gay AF

Looks like she was hit in the head with a 2x4

Post your physically ideal woman from Hollywood

How about someone that actually has tits for one

I'm waiting, faggot

Keep waiting I'll get back to you in the future


the beefers aren't even that great

Don’t be a fag. Not all women have gigantic, retarded tits that I happen to enjoy.

They're awful.

I am sure your mothers are your first and only.


She's hot, even with her shitty tits.

Please stop pretending there is anything appealing about her chest, you're not convincing anybody that you're heterosexual.

I'm 5'10". She would be blown away by how tall I am, lemme tell ya.

he did, but war hero joe decided to stay faithful

Joe Cumia tweeted nothing wrong and libfag Opie has autism.

Shotgun shell nipples, very nice.

To make matters worse, not only is she a really beautiful woman, but she always seems so down to earth and cool in interviews.

That (I assume equally aesthetically pleasing) Ukrainian twat isn't getting wet over six foot one inch of this.

great sense of humor as well imo

she is one of the few people in general that seemed to enjoy being on O&A. O&A were always terrible about following up with the half dozen celebrities that actually enjoyed their time on the show

You know you guys give us shit for going to easy on guests and then you scream sell outs! and then we don't engage enough you guys think we're assholes! And I'm just stuck there thinking "I did this for you! I did this for youuu! I DID THIS FOR YOU I DID THIS FOR YOU I WAS WONDERING IF I COULD JUST GET IN THE STREETS AND I WOULD O CLOCK YOU KNOW THAT I WAS WONDERING

To be starring in such gems as the Resident Evil films, you've got to have a great sense of humor.

Man she is gorgeous. I'm a sucker for blue eyed girls with small tits and nice shapely athletic hips.

so is everyone else

I'm a sucker for attractive women. Anyone else agree?

I've actually heard this was supposed to be a clothed photoshoot. Once Milla saw the photographer stood at a towering 5'11, her feminine urges took over and she just started stripping. That's a legitimate look of pure lust on her face.

At 6'1 her pussy drys up

Joe has bigger tits

Ya wanna suck'em?

Itty bitty titty committee

my boy frusciante pumped her

Wow you hang out with John huh? Pre face flattening or post?

neither. both. what?

Carol is one hell of a consolation prize.

This is from her Purple Magazine spread. Worth the Google.

Ukrainians women, man. WTF is in the water there?

She's half Serb afaik

Eastern European women (Russian/Ukraine predominantly) are generally the most attractive according to surveys done internationally iirc, this was using just pic with no knowledge of where the girls were from.

Iirc the Irish did well too (women).

Funnily enough Russian men did the absolute worst in terms of attractiveness, even though they have the hottest women.

Yeah I think that's true with NE Asian women too. The girls do very well while the men struggle.

Someone please explain to me the Joe/Milla Jovovich posting? What'd I miss?

Joe once met and got his photo taken with Milla and claimed she liked him and probably would’ve gotten diner with him but their schedules clashed.

their schedules clashed.

they both had an appointment to suck a real man's cock.

she's just ok

She looks like a brunette Princess Alena

Those nipples are a little off putting if I'm being quite honest

Nigga u gay AF