Why can’t they behave!

60  2019-03-24 by RBuddCumia


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He would @ her to suggest this, if he had any balls.

Nick Dip’s ultimate fantasy is Pelosi sitting on his face smothering him while he spouts off about colleges.

Could you fathom the thought of how much loose skin ends at her ass. She'd effectively be draping your face with leathery curtains of skin.

They took off the skin while Ike was in office.

Imagine how much dipaolo would whine if some liberal told a Republican politician to hang themself.


And you know it!


You know you’ve made it if you have the ability to call an old women a whore and hope for her death by asphyxiation and you are insignificant enough for it to not have any negative impact on your career

Oh no no no. (Natty burp) That means that he really isn’t very well known. (Lights Maverick menthol)


Follow nick dipaolo on Gab(dot).com

emotional outburst aside, that's just an offensively bad logo.


stop using some boomer wop as a vector for you to cope post jesus christ

Let all sails down, full speed ahead, i won't let nick wake up tomorrow to see he isn't famous enough to get banned. I'll do it. The rest of you can stay at port and watch if yee no longer thinks nick is a good egg, Hell he might be a rotten egg but I'll put him in the fridge with the other eggs and keep him cool!

Shouldnt he be happy with the outcome?

Faggots like Nick and Anthony were known for being funny and then destroyed themselves because they wanted to be known for their politics. Congrats retards, you did it

Nick's gonna be like hal in that episode of malcom in the middle where he was in a van trying to broadcast

Aahhh forget it.

I'd fuck her, she's kinda got a Dr Melfi season 6 look going.

Nick is a smart man. There is a shortage of conservative viewpoints espoused through the psuedo-angry filter, and Nick's going to fill that lonesome void behind a paywall.

His logo is horrendous.