I think Nick is about to join Ant in obscurity.

123  2019-03-24 by RBuddCumia


It's almost like he's trying to get banned at this point

In a week he’s going to be like “fuck twitter, i don’t why they suspended me”. Then continue to find ways to justify himself.

And that’s coming from a DiPaolo fan.

It's an Alt-Lite badge of honor to be banned from Twitter.

Gab time

Well it(was) troll heaven..just click on a # and start fucking with people..or youcan go the antwana route and endlessly debate people like yourself but with opposite views in 140 characters..

I don't know, he's "targeted harassing" here but he isn't really threatening anyone. Likely won't get banned for it.

"This person is encouraging suicide or self harm" is one of the reporting options. He's doing the Twitter version of suicide by cop.

If someone tells you to neck yourself then you do it because of their suggestion, maybe it wasn't such a bad decision.

The point is he broke the rule. He'll probably be banned


Suspended Permanently by Nick Dipaolo

Foreword by Joe Matarese

you also have to realize although it seems hypocritical, leftists can call for the genocide of whites and not be banned.

He never says its loaded

Like that’s going to stop them from taking this dummy down.

Social media should me taken away from boomers.

Nick fell into the whole start your own podcast trap. Instead of being a 3rd mic and saying funny lines from time to time, he now sits in his basement and rambles about "libtards" all day.

Nick, nobody wants to hear what a past his prime comic has to say about politics. Go fuck yourself.

I think that happens to old motherfuckers. Every time I call my father that's all he complains about. When I tell him I don't want to hear it for the 1000th time I'm told it's because I'm a nigger lover.

Well, do you love niggers? Asking for a friend

(thanks for asking on my behalf)

When your father's right, he's right.

Listen to your elders nigger lover.

And stop with all the coal burning

That's just good advice in general.

Stop loving niggers then

Well he meanz well, gay men make up for most of the aids cases ..if you add to that african american and crackhead the chances multiply by a lot..also stop bitching when he sends you wd40..he overheard you talking about rusty tromboning a homeless man and wanted to help.

Swing and a miss.

Link to your father's pod?

Your dad sounds cool.

Your dad sounds awesome. Treasure him.

Honour thy father faggot

He’s not wrong.

Keep yelling you old fucking wop

Politics completely broke all of these once-funny guys. Sad.

They like the feeling of people agreeing with them better than the feeling of making them laugh.

The object is to make people laugh, not make them applaud.

stephen colbert wants to know your location

Seth Meyers has left the chat Jimmy Kimmel has left the chat Bill Maher has left the chat Larry Wilmer has left the chat Trevor Noah has left the chat Jim Jeffries has left the chat Jimmy Fallon has left the chat

Shall I go on?

Are you challenging Hannah Gadsby's strength?


The angry old Fox News boomers are worse than women in comedy.

Are the millenial buzzfeed faggots any better?

Coming from a milennial btw

Whataboutism isn't a proper argument. It goes without saying that any extremist viewpoints are irrational and overly emotional.

I hate the term "whataboutism". It's absolutely a valid argument. You can't cherry pick one group for doing sometging and completely ignore another.

That's a nice opinion you have there. A topic is a topic though, deflection or whataboutism is a weak attempt to avoid admitting "your team" is a problem.

Calling it a 'whataboutism' is exactly the same thing. Only with added hypocrisy.

I mean this sort of vindication they're feeling just somehow overlooks all the fuckers who went to jail already as part of this investigation. It's sad because he's not even being funny with this shit any more.

I'm not even a MAGA guy. But those arrests were largely peripheral things they came across. Like the campaign finance allegations, which suddenly became the focus when no evidence was coming up, and had nothing to do with collusion.

Is wolf blitzer gay?

Not sure, he's definitely a faggot though.

we may hate Andy Richter, but him kicking the shit out of Wolf Blitzer on Celebrity Jeopardy was legendary

The only legendary thing that fuckin slob has done is hold his wife's hands while she laid on a cold aluminum table, aborting her boyfriends child

I try to stay away from twitter cause of shit like this. Actors, musicians and comedians I enjoy always have some bobo ass tweets that make me despise their opinions

That old boomer faggot wont name the jew, just like tranthony Fuck him

His name is probably Schlomo or Avram, why does his name matter so much to you guys?

Reported. 👍

Thank you for your service.

Why is he so angry if his guy won?

Because that's all old conservatives are. Bitter, angry, limp dicked old men. Their politics revolve 100% around hurting vulnerable people and pissing off young people.

They don't want to build anything, they just want to destroy because they're scared of everything new.

Do me next professor

Their politics revolve 100% around hurting vulnerable people and pissing off young people.

Just the retarded ones.

I 100% agree with you and still got douche chills reading your faggoty post

Reality has a faggy liberal bias.

You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded

hurting vulnerable people


what do high taxes build you cunt?

I'm a big fan of infrastructure.

What, so that the BLACKS can use it!? Jesus Christ, what next? There's nothing common about the common good. Say what you will about Joe Cumia, who is of course disliked by we all here, but all things considered, I am proud to have essentially the same political opinions that he does, which at least 60% of this sub unironically does.

Yes sir. Minus his racist remarks that lack humor and are full of unintentional irony. Not to mention his shitty boomer arguments. I agree with most of the political stuff of his that has been shared here(I had never heard of him outside of here)

Congratulations, you’re a fucking idiot

For which, for agreeing with Joseph Cumia, who for all his many faults he is still a veteran who loves his country and supports the correct candidates who are clearly want what's best (unconditional support for Israel, supply side economics, bank bailouts, and other tax policies that benefit a man of Joe's proper position), or because I think most of this sub shares his political views?

private infrastructure is self-sufficient, govt overpays for everything

Who is vulnerable?

The impoverished are usually their primary target. They want to strip away government assistance for the working poor and take away education for their kids while demanding the government pay for their viagra and metformin.

More handouts for the moderately comfortable at the expense of the poor while they worship the wealthy.

Are you really gullible enough to believe that?

You honestly believe "government assistance" is helping poor people? What kind of new deal cuckold are you that you want Uncle Sam giving your wife money to buy your groceries?

As long as companies like Walmart have their worker wages supplemented by food stamp programs, it's necessary. Force companies to pay a living wage to full time workers, and provide universal access to healthcare so people don't go bankrupt if they break a bone.

Do you understand anything about human incentive and behavior? What about high trust societies? Have you heard the term "theft of labor"? Do you understand statistics relating to DNA and IQ, how about IQ and crime? You think a corrupt government that is controlled by corporate money is going to allow a "living wage" to be set as an act of benevolence? It's control. Once you need the government then they can treat you as they please to further their interests. I intended to be kind with this account but I'm not in the mood today. You, sir, are an asshole.

What do statistics relating to IQ and race (or DNA as you put it to pathetically mask your opinion) have to do with the minimum wage being so low that people working 40 hours a week can't survive?

I work in construction, I know a ton of dumb fucks that blow through their paychecks before they can even manage to pay half their bills.

I'm Canadian, so I'm not obsessed with black people like you are. The most dangerous gangsters around here are Asians, so your broad statistical bias confirmations aren't going to sway me.

You sound like you've read too much Ayn Rand.

And maybe check what sub you're posting on before you start throwing insults around. We're a polite bunch, and we don't resort to name calling around here you fucking blissfully ignorant faggot. Go build your own ore refinery then we can talk about how independent and self-reliant you are. Libertarians are the lowest form of corporate bootlickers. You wouldn't even be able to learn the skills to have the dumb fuck ideas that you have without a public education.

You're advocates for serfdom but too self-obsessed to realize it. Faggot.

I can't imagine openly admitting to being Canadian. I also can't imagine wanting to be dependent on fossil fuels, so shit argument there, cheese dick. Public education is a fucking joke and you're a retard for bringing it up. Your PM is so obsessed with race he gave a known terrorist bomb maker 10 million dollars so he could appear not racist or xenophobic. I sort of pitied you at first but now I know you're just another braindead canuck who deserves negro rape with an AIDS dick. I'm serious, get a disease and die you nothing country.

The working class being able to read and write is not a joke. It's the biggest driving factor of progress in human history.

I'm in the middle with this by thinking government assistance should only be given to single mothers or the certifiably disabled (and the testing of who and who isn't disabled should be much harder).

What about high trust societies? Have you heard the term "theft of labor"? Do you understand statistics relating to DNA and IQ, how about IQ and crime? You think a corrupt government that is controlled by corporate money is going to allow a "living wage" to be set as an act of benevolence?

Nice non-sequitur argument dickhead.

Thanks for your input. Filed under bullshit no one cares about.

What got you so buttblasted pal. Mommy got mad and didn't make you tendies last night?

Imagine actually unironically shilling your agenda on a designated shitposting subreddit.


be sure to follow @nick_dipaolo_real

Boomers who treat politics like team sports and scream about it all the time online deserve to be eaten alive, asshole first, by a pack of hyenas.



He already did.

I forget is it Hipster Douchebag, or Douchebag Hipster.

drumpf isnt getting btfo'd any time soon, rbudd. take it on the chin

Ant and Nick are like Maureen Tucker from the Velvet Underground. Really cool influential group in their prime. Then after they broke up she just became completely obsessed with conservative politics and turned into a cunt

Politics is a faggot hobby.

I hate to break it to you but there wasn't a time when Nick Dip wasn't in obscurity.

Yup. Hes always stunk

All because he can't not say goo gobbler.

"Goo gobblin mayor from New York City"


If anyone actually bothered listening to the podcast he did about the shooting in New Zealand he'd be fucking toast, he spends a good chunk of time talking with callers about why they deserved it. I still think he's a funny stand-up, but god is he a fucking sour cunt.

Sounds like he was pretty on point.

I listened and he didn't do that you lying fuck hole


Everyone should subscribe to Nick's Youtube channel, he puts some great shit there for free (unlike Ant). One of the few comedians who haven't toned their shit down.

Nick Dipaolo has always been a right wing political nut...

Are you new here?

Floundering old bore


libtards don't like this

All i see here is hating libcucks that claim to be a fan but cant possibly be fans if they're offended by this tweet. He has a youtube show that is basically politics. So to hear crap like "politics ruined his comedy" is hilarious. Because these same people are probably Amy Schumer fans or some shit. GTFOH no collusion now eat a bag of dicks

Who cares if Nick dipaolo lives or dies


Very time he opens his mouth is some political bullshit, and he claims not to be biased. Bullshit! He’s about as far to the right as they come. Stick to comedy, stupid

Hadn't he already?

Not sure, he's definitely a faggot though.

we may hate Andy Richter, but him kicking the shit out of Wolf Blitzer on Celebrity Jeopardy was legendary

What, so that the BLACKS can use it!? Jesus Christ, what next? There's nothing common about the common good. Say what you will about Joe Cumia, who is of course disliked by we all here, but all things considered, I am proud to have essentially the same political opinions that he does, which at least 60% of this sub unironically does.

private infrastructure is self-sufficient, govt overpays for everything