"45 and out of touch? Think again hipsters. Check out this women's rights activist. You should respect her. "

27  2019-03-24 by civnat_cuck


Shut the fuck up, Henry! What a total arse.

Wow douche chill

Do you have a trust fund?

Man, did he really bring the mood down...

He should start introducing holocaust victims after this performance

He clearly stated he doesn't like tattooed elitists.

He is completely autistic.

He really is trying to be a TV-saturated child's idea of a brash noble witty person. And after all this time, still so bad at it.

Don't make excuses for him, he's just an asshole.

what a fucking thud, warning kids, this is your brain without alcohol or drugs

Even the marxist dikes got douche chills from Henry’s autistic moral authority rant.

Now take her to a bar in Philly.

I think you guys shou...*black on white beating, robbery, possibly rape and murder, commences

This is Henry Rollins absolute worst fucking moment ever documented on video or audio lmao

Allow me to shield your praise by holding this immigrant in front of me.

Filmed at the great Cake Shop (RIP). Only good thing about this vid.

Pseudo intellectual. I would still love to find out EXACTLY what went down at Rollins’s place when Joe Cole was killed.

The whole Henry Rollins presents: “The story of two boys” Well, it has plot holes.

Wtf did he get so offended by?