People who post pictures like this on social media are ________

23  2019-03-24 by omgialmostdiedpoopin


Overall happier than the average user here.

I disagree with that notion because they're pretending. People on Reddit are always literally crying from joy or shaking with depression and I just kind of coast through life not being a melodramatic ass. I would guarantee that whoever posted this is more miserable than you.

This is true. The word is oversocialization. They just are so obsessed with what everyone thinks about them and ties them into knots and wrings them out.

Are you up on Inherited Wealth , yet?

Next you’ll be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood.

More like Gordon Ramsey, you daft cunt

Gordon Wood? Just wait until you staht readin Vickers.

This is the truth. Just look at any of the advice subs. "My girlfriend fucked 26 guys behind my back, should we get counseling?" Nobody on this shit site is happy.

"Ignorance is bliss"

Nice parallel thinking, stupid

I secretly envy people who find shit like this funny.

probably happier and more content with life than I am.

I just want the pain to end.

not nearly as depressed as I am

Too stupid to realize they're depressed

Well you posted it. So what do you think about yourself?

Hopefully not as judgemental about non-issues as you are. Also, I occasionally enjoy pictures like this.

Now that's fuckin' based

I don't even have so so media, I am of tender age of 16 who don't get dicks on social media

Hows your mom? Cops ever find the guy?



Dumb/cute pictures of animals on the internet are the only positive things happening on it, and you're lying if you say you don't like them.

you can also use the internet to pilfer used ghostbusters memorabilia

No, I really hate most of them. I can tolerate this one. But I despise the ones where these faggot redditors call animals puppers or doggos. Or they use childish queer descriptions like murder kisses or shit like that.

The same people that say doggo,pupper,caturday ect. I hope these people experience slow horrible deaths.

Caturday predates the homosexual internet. You're correct about the rest.

I hate morons that say “etc.”

taking advantage of technology in a healthy way by spreading images they find appealing

Awe that’s cute. You’re a cunt

It's a good picture. The problem is when you make it all about yourself and try and add a spicy title to it. I'm surprised there aren't emojis in the corner staring in disbelief.

Mostly well adjusted.

Better people than us?

Cute picture .

That's a cute picture, stupid.

Hows your mom? Cops ever find the guy?

you can also use the internet to pilfer used ghostbusters memorabilia

No, I really hate most of them. I can tolerate this one. But I despise the ones where these faggot redditors call animals puppers or doggos. Or they use childish queer descriptions like murder kisses or shit like that.