
51  2019-03-24 by RBuddCumia


Glad to see a urinal has his back. Nice alt account, stupid.

What the fuck is it with these people and toilets?

That urinal is actually a sculpture called “Fountain” from like 1917 which pretty much alone started an artistic movement called Dada.

I’m not excusing this faggot for using it a profile picture though.

Yeah, Duchamp himself I have no problem with. However the person in charge of that account is gay and faggot and must be lobotomized.

Duchamp used a fake name when he made that piece and its main purpose was to broaden the conventions of in-situ sculpture. He's no Mondrian, but anyways this guy on Twitter is definitely the biggest faggot I've ever seen.

I'm shocked to see how many of you faggots took an intro to art course at your community college

There is a great short scene in Adam Curtis' documentary Bitter Lake where a Western art teacher tries to explain this to a class of Afghani kids.


Gives you some insight into why the occupation of that country is/was such a shit show. Very out of touch.

The western psychopaths look to be the ones who are out of touch in this scenario

That's the point I'm making.

Yeah but I'm a fuckin idiot so you have to understand my confusion

Huh, I thought it was a cup he pulled out of some bull's jockstrap.

Reality is what you make of it, Dick Slit

By day, and tech support call center by night

And his iphone is his recording studio

Ugh. Nobody here hates, or even cares, about Logan Lynn. The original thread that made him start this whole thing was really about Jay Mohr and had like 2 upvotes. This is insanity.


I hate him. Speak for yourself.

I hate him now that he tattled on me to People magazine

I hope they do a follow up with interviews with Joe and Patrick.

I don't like Logan Lynn because he's a faggot and I think these people should respect my Islamic values.

is this the guy Jay Mohr is fucking now? So how long until Jay forces him to get cartoonish lip injections, the worst tit job known to man and a crippling pill addiction

He dropped Nicki and just went with Cox

Another one of his alt accounts?

Well if I remember correctly didn’t Logan Lynn start the whole thing by taking swipes at Opie and his legions of fans? They wanna paint it as if Logan Lynn is this benevolent fag that was minding his own business and we live in a racist sexist intolerant country

I don't know how it started. Opie's secret message came through and, as soon as I decoded it, I started hating Logan Lynn full-time. Doesn't matter how it starts- just how it ends.

Me too, plus I been drinking a ton of Ovaltine

I believe he referred to this place as "opies MAGA crew"

Is's gang. MAGA Gang.

Shit I fucked up my username then. Which your username adds further insult to.

I don’t want to be anywhere near Logan Lynn’s back or backside.

When I said he had a gay face on Twitter, his fans started harassing me and claimed I was a Russian bot. Why does this guy have fans?

The western psychopaths look to be the ones who are out of touch in this scenario