The Daily Show Is Really Killing It These Days

41  2019-03-24 by literalotherkin


Jesus christ. What has caused this? I blame the internet like the old man I am.

You're probably just jealous of this liberated xir.

Nah; we've always had people like this. I bet you 50% of the bearded ladies in freak shows over the years were just effeminate dudes.

The only difference is now we have mass media serving millions of people rather than carnies charging thousands admission, and they've figured out staring at people like this is palatable if you wrap it in some woke, caring horseshit to make us feel like we're somehow doing some good by gawking.

you're not wrong that freaks have always existed but my problem with it is the fact it's not only promoted but also seen as "acceptable" through media/society.

there's a shit ton of dumb and impressionable people/children (that canadian kid who gets paraded around gay clubs and shit dressing up as a woman), who fall for the shit

So there is a group of kids that are gonna need therapy.

Jewish media promoting fag and tranny culture in every publication.

hillary losing

Honestly I couldn’t get to mad at him, her, or whatever. The nigger douche’s opening was far more cringe inducing.

A freak in the sheets, that'll poop in the streets.

Pretty sneaky Sis.

Dollar Shave Club

Chris D'Elia looks like shit.


Maxwell agrees...the Daily Show is NOT FUNNY. Went to complete horsesh*t 2.5 seconds after Stewart left.

Dopey Maxwell

went to shit 2.5 secs after craig furgeson left

Craig Kilborn

goddammit.. your right.. who the fuck is craig Ferguson and did i pop that name in there... tnx for setting my stupid ass straight

Oh okay, that's fair enough. I didnt know Craig hosted it. Ive never watched it much. Sorry, I just dont find politics funny.

it wasnt political when craig hosted it.. that faggit john Stewart ruined it by taking it from being funny to hack political shit

Lol losing your Loop radio gig to Mancow. Nice career, dud.

'Welcome to the museum of dead civilizations!'

Camille Paglia would agree with you. She's not wrong either.


The left is just trolling us now right?

Yes. Has to be. Or they don’t understand cause and effect.


If only they'd just throw their hands up right now and say 'surprise, just kidding we don't believe in all this mental shit'.

Doubt it will happen though.

We need a holocaust 2.0 asap.

There wasn't even a 1.0

I can’t believe we’ve gotten to the point where you’re considered an asshole if you believe trannies are mentally ill mutants. The good new is these freaks have a hilariously high suicide rate. Natural cleansing at its finest.

I love when that hairline starts receding. These mentally ill trannys don’t usually last past their 30s

Generally not, I think “people” with downs have a longer life expectancy. We should all be so grateful.

No Trevor that's not a 5 Shadow that's impossible because I'm a woman.

We wuz Weimar an sheeit.

jesus fucking christ

there are actually people who think that that is a woman. we are doomed as a species

It's doing so bad there's a trending Twitter ad (of course) of Trevor Noah begging people to petition Comedy Central not to drop the show, because they're about to. It made my day on Friday when I saw it.

If that Seth Efrican is fired that would make my year.

Imagine seeing that flesh toilet of a womb

I'm dying at that 5 o'clock shadow.. lol..

Corporal Klinger????

He has to be careful in case some chinaman cuts off that horn on his face to make dick medicine