Hey guys, I just got kissed by a girl.

20  2019-03-24 by RBuddCumia

And now maybe we can talk about stuff.


Did she get an erection?

Maybe even?


Family members don't count

I guess I'd be classified as a virgin then

Just stick to batching. It's exponentially more efficient

/u/patrickstomlinson can't speak on the subject because he only kisses men's tips, and NEVER gets laid.

What'd you put in her drink?

Ooooh dish dish dish!

Pathetic if true

Is that what you did Lisa Loeb, or whatever that broads name was?

Nothing like a kiss from a bright eyed thing that smells of soap and dreams brotherman

I can't have morning sex with the chick I'm seeing because her breath is so fucking bad in the morning it turns me off entirely. I'm really getting old.
