Trying OkCupid. What is this Sociology 101 bullshit? I just want to fuck local desperate whores.

30  2019-03-24 by Single_Action_Army


if you have some money get

Is that good? Me and my gf of are sorta on the out and even after 2 years of neglecting and abusing her it hit me that I fucked up and I sorta wanna kill myself over it, I’m most likely gonna be fuckin 30 and alone, so yeah that shit work?

You know what's cheaper than Match? Killing yourself.

Not if the method I choose involves something I don’t have and have to buy


If you are half way attractive just use tinder

also spring for the premium app, its worth it

The one that’s 14.99 a month, is there benefits that are really worth that ? I could get compound media for that price

yeah, but the thing is you wont be using it all year so its more like 14.99 till you find a couple side chicks then you can cancel the premium service and still keep your matches and profile. the more matches you have makes you higher up in the algorithm, the premium package just makes it so any chick who swipes you, you see, instead of having to swipe until you maybe swipe on the chick that swiped on you

i could wax poetic about tinder for awhile, if you have any questions just message me

Yeah - def follows this route. It’s way easier. Then you also get to see the fatties who selected you and go “haha, fucking nice try, whale!” swipes left. If anything, it feeds your ego. On a Friday night at 6, I’ll pay 3 bucks for a boost, features your profile to everyone currently swiping. Boom, you got 30 broads for your choosing.

Because you have to pay, think about it as a filter, but beware...those women on there want to be married. Especially at 30. Just do tinder and bumble, set age settings to 21-24. Those women love older men.

yep again if you have money anything is possible but this is a good dating not just tinder whoring youll find from my experience

Grindr is a better way to find decent looking women than OKCupid.

Shutup ant/joe

Just don't click on those then. Faggot.

get an 8 ball and a gallon of rum and click open to everyone

I don't know what 90% of those words mean

I think that proves you're normal and shouldn't be on this sub.

on okcupid you're most likely to find your local blue hairs, whales and chicks in poly relationship

You strike me more as a Plenty of Fish type guy.

Bit too dark for me. Free services tend to attract that.

Are you in a slump? It's a good slump bustee and or hogging site.

Not really. I just need to cum a lot because I'm a damaged individual.

okcupid has been trash for years, you're better off using any thing else, even tinder, although tinders filled with basic white girls (not bad I guess if you're just looking to nut). Not even worth your time especially when OKC ended up ripping off Tinder anyways once Tinder got popular.

What the fuck is a hirja?

And while we are at it, the fuck is a two spirit?

One of the monsters Godzilla fought in the 1960's.

A dothead term for anyone who isn't normal

I guess just properly calling them all faggots didn’t make them feel special enough

Okcupid fucking sucks. Go to plenty of fish

Just hire a prostitute

Nice fake science, stupids.

There's a slider on the bottom for that.

wheres the slider for open to none of this shit

Trans men? Is that what used to be called tomboys?

  • Gay

  • Straight

  • Faggots

What else is there?

0.2 percent of society now dictates how we look for women. I’m sick of the propaganda and the constant attempts to confuse kids. How bout this ? If you don’t want a dick in your ass or mouth, you aren’t gay.


No "I'm not open to any of this shit" button? Huh odd...

i got a lot of older mom pussy off cupid, i think youll be alright

Yeah - def follows this route. It’s way easier. Then you also get to see the fatties who selected you and go “haha, fucking nice try, whale!” swipes left. If anything, it feeds your ego. On a Friday night at 6, I’ll pay 3 bucks for a boost, features your profile to everyone currently swiping. Boom, you got 30 broads for your choosing.