If we troll Joe’s girlfriend on Facebook, would that bring Joe out of his “laying low” phase, and get him to do something publicly stupid again?

11  2019-03-24 by Every1ShouldBKilled


yes. I sanction this.

Hear, hear.

You are suggesting to go below mafia standards. Nice ethics, stupid.

We don’t have ethics, fag


No, but it is the kind of thing that could probably get the sub shut down for targeted harassment because Grinch face hasn't really involved herself in much other that supporting Joe on people's court.

It would probably cause something, but I prefer the more organic stupidity that he manages to produce without our interference. Let the cryptkeeper cast the first stone.

Leave the old hag out of this. Joe gives us plenty of material on his own

We keep it within the family, its an old sicilian tradition....this thing of ours.

:::::::inserts penis into mans butt hole:::::::::