Ohhh Lynn, You Silly Goose!

28  2019-03-23 by ProfessionalCrump


4 likes, 4 retweets.

Crushing it

Joe Currie only wishes he could get those kind of numbers.

Nice business model

Yeah they're insane for letting people talk about what they want instead of kowtowing to some butthurt Literally Who fag

Lighten up Lynn it's business, nothing personal

Id have thought that faggot would be intimately familiar with Streisand and her effects

What a pussy. This is what happens when you told on people all your life and got rewarded for it, now he is being told to fuck off and he just cannot handle it.

The sub has for the most part completely forgot about him and this stupid faggot brings himself back into the fold. What a stupid gay pedophile he is.

"Also, please note that many posts on Reddit do not get significant attention, and efforts to delete content on the site may have the effect of heightening its visibility for users and the general public alike."

I love Reddit's formalized way of telling this dope to stop fanning the flames. I wonder if he'll listen? Hmmm.

3k posts is really, really a generous number. Honestly, maybe 500. The other 2,500 made are generic NAF/F posts

In the article on his website he provides a link to a Patrick Tomlinson blog post. Oh, if these dopes joined forces it would be so wonderful.

Are you suggest that they team up together to gang rape children? I agree it seems likely.

Faggot and Costello

ahhaa he thinks pitchfork is a 'prestigious media outlet'

nice being 40, indie faggot

As probably the only o&a poaster who got a 10 from Pitchfork (twenty years ago) I say it's a site for your mom (I fucked her).

are you drunk?

every post you keep mentioning you were apart of a band at one point in time without any prompting whatsoever

I hope this queer is talking about that PS I did a few months back where he's fucking some chick

that was pretty clever

No 5000 cumia bucks for you Ms. Lynn

Why the fuck did he just ask to be picked on again?? He was gone, forgotten, and deemed unimportant then he HAD to get himself some exposure.

Because he's doing this on purpose for the attention.

He should be thanking all you wonderful degenerates for getting him a story in People. He’s never had as much success as this and likely never will again.

America 🤦‍♂️

I imagine Ant and Joe received a similar 3-sentence "Fuck Off" letter from reddit when they complained.

Probably and I don't remember them mentioning it.

Imagine that. This man is somehow dumber than the Cumios.

reported post where someone had photoshopped my face into graphic pornography

Do you want a Logan Lynn photoshop contest?

Because that's how you get a Loyal Lynn photoshop contest.


debunked #pizzagate

That makes it sound even worse