Awww... Rogan being very grateful for his donation <3

17  2019-03-23 by Single_Action_Army


Aww. He’s going to fuck the stuffing out of that teddy bear.

That's just a normal Slav, fuck reddit and their clickbait thread titles.

this is filth. The darkest corners of hell await the faggots that televise and make public any and all good deeds they do.

posting a video of someone who is mentally disabled to the "aww" subreddit is so condescending and evil. the people in that thread would be outraged to hear you call that man a retard, yet they have no idea how naive and unscrupulous and unfair they're being, coo'ing over a grown man as if he's a dog. i'm not trying to make any kind of point other than the faggots who post on reddit are stupid and have holes in their brains.

Well said

Despicable virtue signaling

I normally hate the retard but this one's alright. That user should be killed though for posting that.

Hey,he's way to tall to be Rogan.