Yakov Smirnoff: I was at dinner with Reagan and at the table they had the nuclear football with the launch codes in it. Sam: Wow, they put it in a football!?

136  2019-03-23 by blockablockablow

what a dumbass


That is genuinely what a fucking child would say. An idiot child.

Simple Sam

Retarded Roberts

Better teeth,hair, and voice

Fucking moron should have been thrown out the window.

He makes me unhappy

No, a child would ask "what is a nuclear football,you shifty criptoheeb soviet agent" . What Sam said is Bobo level.

I was a child when I heard the term "nuclear football" and was able to infer it was a proverbial football.

You were always a bright boy. Cute, too.

Now he's gonna get a big head.

Not if he doesn't give him the HGH.

Sirius gave this man his own show

Brotherman's only sin is that he trusted this simian mongrel to be his friend and tried taking him under his wing and mentoring him...at least Ant treated Danny like the hanger-on/drinking buddy that he was

The good thing is he will out worm the worm in the near future

Pretty far from Tit’s only sin, at least if you actually listened to him on the radio all those years, but pushing Sham on the world is a pretty fucking big one.

Goddamn right it is! It’s an unforgivable one, without question.

Go with the bit fucker

Fuck the bit, Tits has always been shit too and I’m not willing to lap his ass thinking all of a sudden he may have something. Fuck that piece of shit. I hope everyone from the original show dies soon.

I'm more concerned about whether they had real linen napkins

I'm ashamed to admit this, but I watched Yakov's full appearance on Jim and Sam, either Sam or one of the interns brings up the linen napkins.

Well I'm glad it was a serious discussion with no joshin' around or hooliganism.

Yeah bitch magnets


When I first heard of ''Nuclear football'' briefcase (I probably was in 6th grade) I was confused as fuck.Briefcase is not in a shape of a football and no one is kicking it. What an awful analogy. Then I remembered about retard rugby --- I guess US of A calls that '' Footbawl''. Odd.

Can you explain what you're trying to convey here?

Even a kid in 6th grade knows what a ''Nuclear football'' and the whole world plays football with feet and a ball.

Find a new sub to tard up, chief. This one’s already at capacity.

Lol I mean like why do you park in a driveway and drive in a parkway amirite fags?

"I'm not getting ON the plane, I'm getting IN the plane"

RIP George Carlin

How bad is airline food?

Are you off your meds, stupid?

This is the lamest of the eurofag gripes about the US.


You know it's the WHOLE WORLD that plays football...not just Europe

Yeah, but i only seem to hear Europeans bitching about what Americans call it. The rest of the world doesn’t care as much as you chip on the shoulder eurocunts.

The rest of the soccer playing world is more concerned about whether or not the local warlord will let them get a bag of donated UN rice

I wish I could find that ISIS video of the fellas kicking around the Jordanian pilot’s severed head with the ‘olé olé ‘ music in the background.

Quite. That retarded mm/dd/yy date system and mass genital mutilation of your male children is a far richer vein of comedy/griping.

you know about it because the USA is the only country that matters

I don't know a bunch of details about your dumb fuck country because nobody cares

But keep listening to our music, watching our movies, and enjoying our inventions

Soccer is a fag sport, invented by fags and enjoyed exclusively by fags

Easy there pall. I did not say US sucks. I said the squat-push-fall down-10 minute commercial brake ''sport'' only USA is interested in STINKS. Football is ''The Beautiful Game'' played ALL over the world and retard rugby is only popular in ONE country.

soccer is only popular because it's the easiest sport for poor people to play

real Football was invented by Abner Doubleday as a convoluted way to give black men brain damage

easiest sport for poor people to play That would be running ...athletics in general do not require a lot of money.

Happy to learn about Abner Doubleday's contributions to crime prevention.

that's why running isn't a sport

I think Abner invented baseball

He invented both on the same day, hence the moniker

good to see that somebody else knows about history

The best of laaffs I had taday !!!

You are a modern day Tacitus!

"Why does Jim leave a day early for his weekend gigs?"

He had a rare Thursday night appearance.

I feel like he grovels to SIRIUSXM to get a day early but behind the scenes, Jim tells everyone how those scumbags better comply

Did he really say that? I don't listen. But he * can't* have said that. He's older than I am. And as stupid and drunk as I am, he's older than me. Holy shit.

I know some pretty fuckin stupid old people.

I heard it, he said it. If it isn't about wrestling, Kanye, overpriced gaudy sweatshop shoes or James Dolan he is pigshit ignorant.

Could've leave the didn't listen part out, it's more common than the freaks and tards that does

Actually the Yakov interview wasn’t too bad. He is very aware that he’s a Branson, Mo comic and is a basic cornball. I never knew he lived Andrew Dice Clay as long as he did and came up with him and Sam Kinison.


he seemed nice but ive seen his show and i can say the interview wasnt great but it was better than his actual show

Smirnoff talks about a time when he's investigated by Soviet officials after an 'Elephant and Ant' punchline they suspect criticizes a crushing government.

Sam, in the worst time snots out "ya maybe use 'Hippopotamus' instead of 'Elephant'.

Holy fuck, Yakov was annoyed with that stupidity.

btw: Yakov is definitely not a fag

New theory that Jim has stopped doing an Opie impression on Podacast and is now doing Sam.

You are saying the worm is shitty to everyone but himself? Seems far-fetched

Well, he's a Bug Chaser, so he's kind of shitty to himself too.

wegetable medley

The issue isn’t that he doesn’t understand. He understands. The issue is that he thinks he’s funny.

i dont think so, he said it straight faced no one laughed and they had to explain it to him in earnest

I would look into this but I can’t imagine listening to the interview again.

I thought that was a joke. sadly I was mistaken.

Oh literal reddit

A fucking immigr

Yakov is from a whole other generation of immigrants who are actually happy to be here and appreciate America. I like the son of a bitch.

Adam Walsh!!!!

The level of snideness and ignorance that can come from a sixth grade education and a diet of tendies.

they had yakov on?

Better teeth and hair

You are saying the worm is shitty to everyone but himself? Seems far-fetched

good to see that somebody else knows about history

The best of laaffs I had taday !!!

You are a modern day Tacitus!