This sub remains above all else real

85  2019-03-23 by Mcchisell

ly gay


Reddit is gay and every time I try to give my opinion in a regular sub they ban me.

I was on regular reddit earlier and I noticed something kind of neat. There's generally a zero tolerance policy on race jokes unless it's about Asians.

You don’t even get the pass for being ethnic specific.

I got banned from r/politics simply for saying a guy was gay lmfao. How in gods green earth did these people survive junior high?

This is your green pasture, stupid. Theland of milk and honey. Say "nigger" all you want around here, you won't be banned 😇

Bless you guys 🥰

I mean seriously... what’s the deal with these niggers?

They be wilding!

Upstanding citizens! Cultural Pride.

Do they use sunscreen? I don't know do you know??

They don't even use furniture

how bout, niggers siring mongrels with brainwashed white women is an act of evil and byproduct of propaganda, aiming to neutralize the threat of white men. no nigger nation can be developed and the population of any developed nation that mixes blood with them will in the course of history degrade in proportion to the degradation of blood. ALL white dads know this, so if you are colored and dating a white girl realize he's thinking this any time he sees you.

There's a reason that most half white dudes date and or marry white girls. If you ever heard of a quadroon- they are usually pretty much aryan looking in terms of eye and hair color. And usually very light skinned. It's the only way to get the gene pool back on track.

theres a reason for 1 drop rule

Nice inbreeding, stupid

Remember to always date Asian.

Just wear protection so she doesn't birth a Hapa psycho.

yea amongs the populaton of a whole continent

This guy has a subscription to blacked

Nice try. It's Plumpers.

The supreme gentleman returns

Green pasture? Land of milk and honey? Must be why ol’ Bovine Joe frequents this place.

Racism is funny until the Cumia brothers do it. Then it's a crime against humanity.

Yeah well I can’t even rant about the Jews on this sub without catching shit.

Hmm I talk about jews all the time. I try to say the SS were actually nice guys sometimes and whoah buddy do some people get bent out of shape

The SS was motherfucked by Oskar Dirlewanger.

The SA is were better because how gay they were

The faggotry was systemic.

What a scuuuuum bag

The people who planned the knight of long knives were scccccuuuummmbags, man. Say, do you gentleman perhaps want to talk about Ozzy or transsexuals???

You're not going to catch that much shit if you're funny


My man DLS. I agree with everything this guy says

That cause the unironic 1488 crew, like the commies, colonize what every board that doesn’t bully them off immidiatly. Seen it happen plenty of times. Once those guys get leeway, it doesn’t stop till every unemployed gfless fag from Miami to Aslnchorage is posting walls of text about the Joos.

That’s what happened to the MDE sub and why it got banned.

Exactly what I was referencing. I was big there and it’s how I found this place. Like here you had an unusual mix of smart people with increasingly obscure humor posting funny original shit. But the fag mods wanted their little kingdom to grow, so they didn’t stop it. Got completely flooded with retards simultaneously claiming the holocaust couldn’t have happened while advocating for another one. By the end it was ready to die.

If they let that shit happen here, same shit will happen. It’ll go from 22k to 80k in 2 months, O&A posts and original funny comments will be buried under screen caps of clickbait Vice articles and photoshops with the happy merchant, and you won’t be able to discuss anything except in terms of le joos. Then of course the tranny discord servers start infiltrating and posting violent shit till you’re banned. Keep that shit out of here. If you really need it, there’s /pol/.

So you are saying you are acting like a cumio

I was suspended for two days for posting in this sub about how I wanted to slam Jim Norton through a table. I’m just now back. I know you guys cared and noticed. But for real if I can’t talk about killing worms I wouldn’t know what to say

I can’t speak on the mods because I’ve never interacted with them really but that sounds really gay and dumb of them

This sub gives me a false sense of security, I think funny words like nigger and faggot are just par for the course.. Apparently the censors don't appreciate my comedy

Regular reddit suckssss

Heckin pupper did a doggo much wow Bohemian Rhapsody most epic song EVAR!!!!!!

Nachos and Mario Kart with the Missus

This is a gender neutral safe space. We only use the term SO to refer to our weeaboo’s.

Just chilling and effing and uh

So does your mom

r/o&a is the only place on the internet where you cam be foul as fuck but it's just for laughs. Sure you can talk like this on 4chan or something but some basement faggot always has to bring it back to 1488.

Plenty of those on this sub too. Dls for example.

Some people don't get it

I see what you did there.

Real Dumb

Hey niggers

This is a gender neutral safe space. We only use the term SO to refer to our weeaboo’s.

Just chilling and effing and uh