Reminder: Dave Landau's wife is fat

33  2019-03-23 by SUK_MY_DIK_JOE_CUMIA


Just ask Kevin Brennan.

I wish we saw of Kevin on here. He's a good egg.

Thanks for the reminder. Almost forgot Dave Landau was married to a pig. #neverforget


He also cant read and hes shorter than joe rogan

Eat my butthole smegma

When Dave Landau's wife hauls ass she has to take 2 trips.

Dave is lead pace car with "Wide Load" in big bold text.

Dave Landau's wife is so fat when she goes camping the bears hide THEIR food

Dave Landau's wife is so fat, she's ashamed of herself and he has no sweet words to offer her.

I almost forgot

 I hear she's getting a ninety five pound mole taken off her ass

We don't need your posts for this, the earthquake early warning system has us covered.