What did Louis CK really do?!?! - Luis J. Gomez

66  2019-03-23 by Tom_Stall


Nice improvement, wetback.

Don't call him Wetback. Niggar.

Luis enjoys the comedic stylings of many sexual predators doggie

We all love Sandy Kane's rapist Richard Pryor.

Don't forget Bill Cosby and Keith Maresca as two others accused of rape by that lovely, brave woman.

Say "OK" again, stupid

Shit yourself recently?

Why did he put on subtitles? He's not that Puerto Rican.

Heh g1

turning into a stout Tom Morello.

Gomite's assemble!



That was almost a joke at the end there.

Good job, knife-Mexican.


Redundant much 😎

Pretty good. For some reason I always thought of LJG as story teller / off the cuff guy, so it's nice to see him be good at regular stand up.

That being said, he's looking a bit thick in a Bob Kelly way.

I've seen him live. He's pretty good

Agreed. He’s figuring it out, and if he lived in LA he’d be way better than most of the regulars.

I thought all comics in LA were fags

Pretty much. Fags, Mexicans or lesbians, and sometimes all three at once.

Joey Diaz !!!!

He should change his name to the Puerto Rican Snapping turtle



The first 30 seconds are just him jerkin himself off. Then I quit.

Luis J. Fester


It was funny and ended less funny

What is with that tiny fag bottle of water?

Better than Norton.

Don't forget Bill Cosby and Keith Maresca as two others accused of rape by that lovely, brave woman.