Overdramatic Faggot

32  2019-03-22 by Jackblack6969


That's his best quality.

"Pretending you're an outsider artist when you're in a shit-tier '80s hair band who bought lumberjack shirts last weekend" was the first faggotry, and it grew into him making a fucking ukulele record in 2011 because that's what Apple commercials sounded like.

don't forget the entire "anti-corporate mannnnnnn" gimmick they paraded around most of their career, culminating in this commercial for target:


fucking phony hipster hacks

Pearl Jam is by far the worst product of anything "grunge" related. I'll never understand why they're so respected by people whose music opinions I respect. A few decent songs and a shitload of bore.

they're seen as "rock gods" by alternative writers on vice who vape recreationally and use "drumf" unironically. Anybody who wears Pearl Jam attire in public should be shot on the spot


Especially if they wear it to class.

Hair rock is more listenable than anything from that era.

Grunge was all about being a fake. Kirk Coltrane died and the shit went away.

Nice commitment, dummies.

Mother love bone was better.

andrew wood, real ass dude

I know Jay Mohr is a faggot but his Vedder impression is on point

Jay Mohr does great impressions but he is indeed still a faggot.

I love his Eddie Vedder. He does a "Bono" too which is fucking hilarious. I've only ever seen him do it at his shows, but it's great.

(Still a faggot)

I like VS. And Vitalogy. Fight me faggots.

Vitalogy is a good album, man. Vedder is a drunk but only drinks red wine from Barolo. Save the whales bro.

I used to think Creed songs were Pearl Jam songs.