Alpha Brain: A Joe Rogan Documentary

30  2019-03-22 by mightyqueef


Joe Rogan is a faggot

That's what the documentary is about. Porsalin made it.

The tattoos gave it away

Does every other line have to be some stupid fucking smarmy quip? Porsalin's documentaries seem to be more about trying to show off how clever and funny he thinks he is than the actual subject.

Fully agreed. It's like half his work is devoted to finding different descriptors of things. Richard Pryor is a "flammable sambo," Milo is a "penniless perderaste," Bill Burr is "close friend and sanctimonious cuckold 'Bill the coal-Burr-ner,'" WE GET IT.

I agree. He is beating it to death now.

I shut it off after a few minutes. It's exhausting listening to a one liner every 15 seconds.

Does it also have that sappy music when he is interviewing someone?

The love for "fat piece of shit robert kelly" got to his head

1 and a half hours? Jesus

so u think that is too long then? heheheheheh

Worth every second.

Twat is begging for money and special thanking at the beginning of the video. Even he knows no one will watch the whole thing.

i watched 5 minutes of it. not a sentence goes by without an unfunny remark.

Who put him up to this? Some fag comedian congratulating him privately for his narrative style?

Porsalin is a hack now.

The writing is shit. Nearly all of his points are smothered by the excessive use of adjectives.

I turned it off after 5 minutes. The other docs worked because they were presented as very straight forward pieces with absurd jokes thrown in to catch people off guard. This is just awful joke after awful joke. It's not good.

The 9/11 aeronautical assault on Pete Davidson’s father made me howl. I don’t have any idea why.

That was one of the only hits, buried under a ton of misses


if i wanted to watch an actual documentary, the cable tv kind with cheesy jokes and overly dramatic effects, the subject of it has to be interesting. That andre the giant documentary? Awesome. How many people are literal giants from a small french village and started out with "the fairy" as their wrestling name? Rogan is one of the most boring people to grace this earth. The only thing interesting about him is his closet homosexuality, which I'm doubtful joeymeatsauce covered. My guess is that he's been daydreaming about going on the JRE ever since he started this project.

Does anyone care enough about Joe Rogan to sit through an hour and a half video?

Literally seconds into it, I saw that fag "MERSH" listed as Executive Producer and shut the thing off.

I'll try again later, skipping ahead a bit... as long as his name, face or voice don't reappear anywhere, I might make it through without vomiting.

What’s the point of this? If I wanted Joe’s biography I’d read his Wikipedia page and if I wanted to listen to hack jokes I’d see Rich Vos at Brad Garrett’s Comedy Club on March 25th-31st in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I watched about ten minutes before shutting it off. The one liners were one thing but the whole thing seems like Porsalin was in a race. There wasn’t a pause or a breath anywhere in the presentation and I was exhausted just from listening.

Beige > Posalin

Make the intro longer next time, ya limey fruit.

The problem is there just isnt much to say about Joe. He's a decent interviewer who is guilty of bending his views to that if his interview subject. He's only super passionate about hunting, pot, and MMA. He's a poor comedian (but not so terrible its fascinating, like Schumer). All this not only has been covered but its pretty much popular opinion, even among his fans.

Only one of two ways would I watch this abortion of a video

1) if it were interesting and covered important information as all documentaries should

2) if it didn’t take itself that seriously and actually made me laugh

It did neither. This video embarrassed its producer more than it intended to do so for joe. God dammit what a boring fuckin watch. This will be the last video produced by this unfunny, boring limey twat that I will ever watch.

Fully agreed. It's like half his work is devoted to finding different descriptors of things. Richard Pryor is a "flammable sambo," Milo is a "penniless perderaste," Bill Burr is "close friend and sanctimonious cuckold 'Bill the coal-Burr-ner,'" WE GET IT.

I agree. He is beating it to death now.

I shut it off after a few minutes. It's exhausting listening to a one liner every 15 seconds.

Does it also have that sappy music when he is interviewing someone?

The love for "fat piece of shit robert kelly" got to his head