Hey libtard snowflakes! r/O&A is our new MDE, until the admins ban this host then another host becomes our new MDE. If you're not exclusively posting semi-ironic edgy unfunny racism 24/7, then you are NOT welcome in this alt-right paradise. Jews Blacks Trannies Illegals Jews Muslims Trannies Blacks.

9  2019-03-22 by OkaySeriouslyBro


This won’t be received favorably because it’s kinda gay and also you’re 100% correct.

I just feel like it was unnecessary to bring Frazier into this.

Leave Frasier out of this!

Top Kek!

Really hedging your bets with this bit, eh.

You can thank Anthony for bringing in these kind of boring assholes. After Obama broke Anthony's brain, he started gaining a small following of Stormfront types who never liked the show for the humor and only liked it because there was a guy on the radio frantically ranting about crime statistics and how they are going to take all our guns away. The MDE faggotry is just an ironic millennial shithead extension of that mentality.

Wouldn't be surprised if a couple of them were seriously trying to get the subreddit banned in order to cash in on that 5k bounty.

No amount of MDE-poasting is this boring.

Say rabbi, whatcha doing?

The MDE poster infiltrates and subverts the culture of any subreddit that does not immediately expulse them. We must find a certain solution to the MDE Question and secure a future for our obscure cancelled radio show fanclub.

Despite making up just 13% of the population, MDEfugees create 95% of all threads AHS reports to the admins

/r/henryrollins is that way faggot.